“各行各业中,气候变化对农业的打击恐怕最为严重,” 联合国粮农组织驻华代表文康农(Carlos Watson)在接受CGTN采访时说道。如今,各类危机同时爆发。气候危机伴随着饥饿问题,地缘冲突更是严重影响了全球粮食安全。文康农说,世界亟需重塑粮农系统,使之成为一个以人为本的体系。农民不仅是他们所处环境与农业生态系统的守护者,更掌握着与农作物、生计方式和当地气候特征相关的众多知识。而农民、个体农场主、以及粮食生产企业是适应气候变化、采取新型农作方式、推动农业创新和技术发展、保障粮食安全和可持续生产的核心力量。
"Among all the sectors, climate change is expected to hit agriculture the hardest," says Carlos Watson, the Food and Agriculture Organization's representative to China. Watson said we need to transform our agri-food system to a system that puts people at the center. He points out that farmers are the primary custodians of knowledge about their environment, agroecosystems, crops, livelihoods and local climate patterns. Farmers, owners of individual farms and food production companies are people who hold the key drivers to adapt and implement new practices, innovations and technologies for food security and sustainable production, Watson added.