新加坡荣誉国务资政吴作栋指出,中国的发展造福了世界。鉴于目前的趋势,破坏性脱钩将对全球经济增长、供应链韧性以及粮食和能源安全造成不利影响,各国应该寻求正和博弈,而不是零和博弈,应与邻为善,而不是以邻为壑。 Goh Chok Tong, Singapore's Emeritus Senior Minister, asserts that China's development has been beneficial to the world. He highlights that given current trends, destructive decoupling could have adverse effects on global economic growth, supply chain resilience, as well as food and energy security. "We need to bring about a better and more prosperous world through a prosper-thy-neighbors attitude, not beggar-thy-neighbors approach," he says.推荐阅读:先声夺人丨虚伪和自私无法真正解决巴以冲突 先声夺人 | 保加利亚前总统:中国强则世界强 先声夺人 | 全球意见领袖高度评价“一带一路”倡议