2023年亚太经合组织(APEC)领导人非正式会议即将在美国旧金山拉开帷幕。中美元首即将在此举行的会晤备受瞩目。为此,CGTN主持人田薇在现场与亚太经合组织秘书处执行主任丽贝卡·玛利亚(Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria)展开对话。玛利亚表示,中美对话为世界新机遇打开了大门。她建议各国不应只聚焦于自身利益,而应当跳出局限、拓宽视野,大家携手合作才能带来全局性的利益,才能为世界经济增长创造机会。 The 2023 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Informal Leaders' Meeting is about to kick off in San Francisco. The upcoming meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States is eagerly anticipated. CGTN host Tian Wei spoke to Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria, executive director of the APEC Secretariat. Maria said that the world's two largest economies to have a very important conversation at such a critical time really opens the door to other opportunities for the world. She adds that countries should look at more holistic benefits that can spur global growth from a broader perspective. 推荐阅读:先声夺人|让跨越太平洋的音符流淌在中美友谊之中 先声夺人|美国前财长:中美应同舟共济 共同繁荣