台湾问题是中美关系中最重要、最敏感的问题。清华大学战略与安全研究中心特约专家周波指出,中国的国防预算支出多年来只占国内生产总值的1.5%左右,既没有骤升也没有骤降,这表明了中国对自身以及对两岸和平统一的信心。The Taiwan question has always been the most important and sensitive issue in China-U.S. relations. Zhou Bo, senior fellow at the Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University, pointed out that China's defense budget has remained at around 1.5 percent of the GDP in recent years, without any sharp increase or decrease, sending a signal about China's confidence in itself and in the peaceful reunification between the Chinese mainland and the Taiwan region. 推荐阅读:先声夺人|合力续写“亚太奇迹” 共谱亚太繁荣新乐章 先声夺人|全球政要谈中国式现代化与世界机遇