
AI Beats Human Once Again!!

Xin L GuideinChina 2018-10-04


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“Give me a double cappuccino. Light sugar. Oh, make that two single cappuccinos. Decaf. Scratch that. Two singles and one double cappuccino. And make it all to go.”

Launched last month by the Alibaba DAMO Academy unit, the new technology lets customers at cafés and restaurants place their orders via voice with a smart-ordering machine and make as many changes or corrections as they want. The machine’s AI is able to catch all the changes and update the order in real time. Through on-site demonstrations pitting the machine vs real people, the group shows the extraordinary ordering technique. Both  AI  and baristas were taking orders from the customers at a speed of of 5 words per second. It took the human barista 2 minutes and 37 seconds to finish taking all the orders but it only took the AI machine 49 seconds.

The Alibaba DAMO Academy unit said the new technology lets customers, for example, order their coffee by speaking to a smart ordering machine. The machine will understand their requests and display the order onscreen in a split second. Buyers can correct their orders as many times as they want, and the machine is expected to catch all the changes and update immediately.

AI has made our life cozier and more convenient; we can order through face recognition, have robots deliver food to tables and even have stir-fry robots cooking up our dinner.

Artificial intelligence has subverted our imagination. Not long ago, at the world retail congress, the CEO of JD company Qiangdong Lau said: “We will reduce our staff from 160 thousand to 80 thousand by using AI instead of people.”

In a breathtaking presentation at its I/O conference 2018, Google showed off a jaw-dropping new AI feature that can call a restaurant and speak to a human employee to book a table, sounding freakishly, 100 percent human.


Google describes it as “a new technology for conducting natural convertions to carry out ‘real world’ tasks over the phone... For such tasks, the system makes the conversational experience as natural as possible, allowing people to speak normally, like they would to another person, without having to adapt to a machine.”

AI is improving every single day, and it’s replacing human worker in so many different eras, Should We Worry About Artificial Intelligence?

“Success in creating effective AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilisation. Or the worst. We just don’t know,” said the late Professor Stephen Hawking at a Web Summit in Lisbon.“Perhaps we should all stop for a moment and focus not only on making our AI better and more successful, but also on the benefit of humanity,” he added.

We should all “be very careful about artificial intelligence”, Bill Gates said earlier this year. “If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. With artificial intelligence, we’re summoning the demon."

Elon Musk, the man behind Tesla, SpaceX CEO and OpenAI, believes it’s highly likely that AI will one day be a threat to people. In his appearance in South by Southwest last March 11, 2018, he reaffirmed his belief that the danger of artificial intelligence is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads.

“Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes. So why do we have no regulatory oversight? That’s insane.” Musk stated. Over a year ago, Elon Musk, revealed that he bought shares in Google’s AI program, known as DeepMind, to make sure he could stay informed about the progress and potential dangers of AI. In 2016, DeepMind beat the world champion in a game of Go by teaching itself and learning. Independently, it also continued on its ruthless streak and opted for “highly aggressive” strategies when it is in fear of losing.

 If the experts are right about the dangers of AI then one of the best lines in the movie “I, Robot,” might not be far from reality. “Well, then I guess we’re gonna miss the good old days. When people were killed by other people”. Because of AI’s numerous use and its human-like ability, its potential to be more useful in the future is evident and rapidly growing; however, it’s reasonable for mankind to be alarmed that AI could replace professionals such as teachers, engineers, and lawyers. Also, the possibility of AI to be weaponized and used for social control is not something to ignore.

While some are afraid of AI’s future, many are still getting their hopes up to when it comes to it's remarkable potential as a benifit for society; however, the answer to the question - if AI will be a significant threat to the future of human civilization is still unknown, but, at least for some, it is not unexpected.

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