
13 Cheesy Pick-Up Lines to Get You a Date for the Qixi Festival

Suki C GuideinChina 2018-10-04

Falling on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Double Seventh Festival in China (also known as Qixi Festival) is the Chinese version of Valentine's Day in western countries. As it is a day of great importance to girls all over the country, the event is also called Young Girls' Festival and has been endowed with the meaning of great romance in accordance with the beautiful legend of Niu Lang and Zhi Nu.


Legend of Niu Lang and Zhi Nu

The legend of Niu Lang and Zhi Nu is one of the four Chinese folk legends about love and is celebrated during the Double Seventh Festival.

It is said that Niu Lang was a cowboy who had a kind heart even though he was without living parents. Living with his brother and brother-in-law, he was often maltreated. One day, after having been driven out of his home, an old man (who turned out to be a supernatural being) guided him to the sick cattle from heaven. With great care from Niu Lang, the cattle recovered. 


In order to show gratitude to Niu Lang, the cow helped him get acquainted with Zhi Nu - a fairy from heaven. They fell for one another and eventually married to live a happy life. Niu Lang planted in the field while Zhi Nu did weaving at home. 


The couple was also magically given a boy and a girl. However, good times didn't last long because Zhi Nu's deeds were known by the king of heaven who sent her back to the kingdom up in the sky. 


With the cow's help, Niu Lang flew to heaven along with his two children as they chased their mother, and just before he could reach Zhi Nu, the queen of heaven created a huge river to separate them. Tears shed by both of them flowed continuously so that even the queen was moved. As a result, she allowed them to meet only on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month every year.


With Qixi Festival around the corner, we thought we’d help you out by listing some pretty cheesy pick-up lines you can try on your next flirt:

1. 你       nǐ de liǎn   上 shànɡ  yǒu  diǎn  dōnɡ  西yǒu  shén  meyǒu diǎn  piào  liànɡ

There is something on your face, what is it? It's beauty.


2. 到     dào 家jiā 了le 吗? 没   méi yǒuméi  的de 地 方fānɡ 都 dōu 不 算 suàn 家jiā

Are you home yet?  Not yet, because no place is home without you.


3. 见   jiàn 到dào 你 之zhī 后hòu 我 只zhǐxiǎnɡchénɡ  为wéi 一zhǒnɡ 人rénshén 么me 人rén 的de 人rén

Meeting you made me want to be a special man. What kind of man? Your man.

4.你  nǐ知 zhīdào 我 的de 心 xīnzài 哪 边 biān mezuǒ biānɑ 不zài 你 那 biān

Do you know where my heart is? On your left. No, it’s by your side.


5.  “nǐ  属 shǔ shén me?” “。” “你 shǔ 于 我。”

Which Chinese zodiac do you belong to? Tiger. No, you belong to me.


6. “nǐ  有 yǒu 打 dǎ huǒ 吗?” “méi yǒuɑ。” “ 你 shì 怎 zěn me diǎn rán wǒ de  心 xīnde?”

Do you have a lighter? No. How did you light up my heart then?

7. 我  wǒ 觉  jué 得  de你  hǎo 像  xiànɡ yì kuǎn yóu 戏shén me yóu 戏 xì 的de 世shì 界jiè

 I feel that you like a model of a game. What kind of game? My world.


8. “ 累lěi 不 累lěi 啊ɑ?” “不 lěi。”“可 shì 你 都dōu 在zài 我 心xīn 里 跑 pǎo 了le 一 天 tiān 了 le。”

Are you tired? Not at all. But you ran all over my heart all day!


9. 你  nǐ 可  笑xiào 一 个ɡè 吗wèi shén me yīn 为 wéi 的de 咖 啡fēiwànɡ 加jiātánɡle

Can you smile at me? Why? Because I forgot to add sugar to my coffee. (Your smile is sweet.)


10.demínɡshìɡǔɡēwèi shén me ? shìzhuīxúndeqièdeàn

Is your name Google? Why? Because you're the answer to everything I’ve been searching for.


12. dìnɡshìfànde,  wèi shén me yàoburánzěnnénɡrànɡrénchén溺? 

What do you think? Would you try any of these? Let us know which one in the comment section below!

Source: 搜狐新闻

Supervisor: Crystal Huang

Editor : SC

Proofreader : Ed Bellin

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