A Girl Ordered Food to Her House Late at Night and…

Crystal Huang GuideinChina

It’s late at night, why did she ordered food?

She orders food but wants the delivery man to do this for her..

In typical Weibo fashion, a post went viral when a girl recalled the mouse that was in her toilet and posted about it online. It was late at night, and she was petrified to see it, so she had this idea to order food through one of the delivery apps and left a unusual note for her delivery guy:

“There’s a mouse in my house! Please help me catch it! I already paid RMB 50 in tips!”

The funny thing is… it worked! The delivery man successfully caught the mouse and got rid of it. The girl captured the whole process on videos and shared them with her friends on WeChat.

It seems nowadays, delivery men are often asked to accomplish tasks that aren’t part of their job requirements, but as long as they’ve got the skills for it…

 Washing cars 

 Playing video games 

 Playing mahjong 

 Singing karaoke 


 Bringing toilet paper to the toilet when you’re in need 


 Cooking when the restaurant’s kitchen gets too busy 

 They are agile. 

 Playing basketball 


 Helping close taxi doors in the middle of traffic. 

 They can draw. 

(Note: I broke up with my boyfriend. Can you draw a little tiger for me? )

 They can help you find out if your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you. 

(Note: Hi, I am out of town now, this food is ordered for my boyfriend. Please check if there is any girl in his room when you deliver it. Thanks  )


 They can also save you when you’re in danger! 

On January 25th, 2018, one delivery man noticed the note when he took the food from the restaurant: "Please help me call the police! I am in Pyramid scheme and they control me..." The delivery man immediately called the police without hesitation. The police finally arrested the Pyramid scheme. 

Not every career is easy, and when someone goes above and beyond for you, we should show great appreciation and respect.

Source: 少女兔

Editor: Crystal Huang

Co-editor: Ed Bellin

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