A 17-Year-Old Girl Got into a Taxi and…

Crystal Huang GuideinChina

On the morning of November 26th, in Langzhong, Sichuan province, taxi driver Yao Changhai picked up a 17-year-old girl and about half a minute into the drive, the girl suddenly lost it. 

She got overemotional and wouldn’t stop sobbing.

Seeing this, Mr. Yao began to comfort her:

But for unknown reasons, she asked the driver to pull over by a river, gave him RMB 10 and walked out before she could give her change.

Yao’s instinct told him that something wasn’t right about her, so he turned back to find her. He found the girl gazing over at the river in a daze, so he quickly came forward to chat.

Suddenly, the girl jumped into the river, Yao rushed into the water to catch her and called for help around them.

Finally, with everyone's help, the girl was rescued and sent to the hospital. 

It's hard to imagine that a 17-year-old would have left this world without Yao's help. Yao didn’t just save one person, but an entire family.

Life is hard. Everyone will inevitably have to face tough challenges, but there will always be warm, kind and loving people in your life who will carry you through the toughest times.

In Hangzhou, many people were moved by the story of a 75-year-old flower seller who found a bag containing RMB 10,000 in cash and spent the night waiting for the owner.

Soon, the police station received an anonymous package and an anonymous phone call, "It's cold. I bought a down jacket and sent it to this grandma. Please ask the police to forward it to me."

They are all kind and warm-hearted people.

You see, life is never easy.

Life is a never-ending rollercoaster of ups and downs.

We may feel like there’s no end and the only way out is to put an end to our life in one second.

But perhaps the next second will be met with unexpected kindness and warmth.

Source: Xinhuanet

Editor: Crystal Huang  

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