

2017-10-01 同济大学设计创意学院

2017同济设计周-国际色彩文化学术研讨会(The International Color Culture Conference, 简称ICCC)




主题: Colour and Culture: Strategies for analyse, planning and realizing colour design in the built environment

时间:2017.10.10 星期二 10:00—11:00



讲者:Verena M Schindler

Verena M Schindler

Verena M Schindler,国际色彩学会AIC(Association Internationale de la Couleur,简称AIC)环境色彩研究领域瑞士首席专家, 艺术与建筑历史学家,色彩研究独立学者。其研究领域为建筑色彩、都市色彩、环境色彩、色彩的历史谱系、艺术色彩以及跨文化语境中的色彩。Verena M Schindler硕士毕业于苏黎世大学,博士毕业于伦敦大学学院(与牛津大学、剑桥大学、帝国学院和伦敦政经学院一起并称为G5超级精英大学和金三角名校)。Verena M Schindler曾任教于苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑系,现为巴黎Atelier Cler Etudes 色彩工作室成员。

Topic : Colour and Culture: Strategies for analyse, planning and realizing colour design in the built environment

Abstract: Methodologies that promote an understanding of the relevance and significance of colour expression are important to the development of contemporary urban culture and architecture. The central argument of this presentation concerns a specific chromatic methodology primarily developed by the Atelier Cler Etudes Chromatiques. Using this method, the Atelier aims to rediscover and revitalize the sense of place and memory of a site and its community. It is an innovative methodological framework for orchestrating the appearance of light, texture and colour for a maximum harmonious effect. In addition to describing the method, the talk will discuss both the general principles and terminology, and projects in which these principles of colour have been applied in different cultural contexts.

主题:Colour Naming: Relating Language to Culture

时间:2017.10.10 星期二 14:00—15:00



讲者:Lindsay MacDonald

Lindsay MacDonald

Lindsay MacDonald,伦敦大学学院(University College of London,简称 UC)荣誉教授,英国皇家图像科学技术摄影学会成员。自1985年起开始研究色彩视觉科学, 从事色彩外观建模研究。2015年Lindsay MacDonald博士毕业于伦敦大学学院,主攻图像色彩。自2010年起参与编辑AIC年度报告。2013年为纽卡斯尔(英国)AIC会议的联合主席。

Topic: Colour Naming: Relating Language to Culture


Abstract: The language of colour is learned from early childhood, and is so natural that most people never give a thought about how remarkable it is that a single word such as 红 (‘red’) can be Associated by a whole population with a well-defined colour stimulus. For the past 10 years, an online color naming experiment has been conducted at www.colournaming.com. A large Number of observers from culturally and demographically diverse populations world-wide have Already contributed. Each observer can select from 22 different languages, including both Simplified and traditional forms of Chinese, and data is gathered on the subject’s age, gender, educational level, display type and viewing conditions, as well as the colour name and response time for each sample. The results show significant ontological differences in colour naming between languages and between male and female, by the number of words used, the type of words, and the speed of response. The online experiment is now at the centre of the research activities of the AIC Study Group on the Language of Colour.

主题:Understanding urban graphic objects

时间:2017.10.10 星期二 11:00—12:00



讲者:Robert G. Harland

Robert Harland

Robert Harland博士,任教于英国拉夫堡大学艺术学院,研究方向为城市的符号批判、视觉文化以及城市地理文化。以城市符号为研究对象,从平面设计的角度关照城市的结构和内涵,近期参与英国拉夫堡首推的城市图形档案的数字研究。2017年成为国际设计协会成员。

Topic:Understanding urban graphic objects

Abstract: Urban theorists refer to graphic objects inconsistently in their writing. They talk about an array of individual or grouped forms of graphic address in towns and cities, but with neither a full appreciation of how variable and extensive they are or any idea of how to categorize them. This paper introduces a framework for analyzing graphic objects in urban environments, and the role they play in how cities function. It emphasizes the role of color as the most consistently recognized property when theorists refer to graphic elements and the behavioral characteristics of graphic systems. Color is shown to be a carrier of meaning embedded in the linguistic and semiotic landscapes of our time, as well as a spatial practice that defines the identity, meaning and structure of public places.


时间:2017.10.10 星期二 15:00—16:00




INFO>>>ICCC 会议信息

时间:2017年10月10日 星期二


路线导览:地铁10号线 同济大学站2号口出口


编后:国际色彩协会Association Internationale de la Couleur 简称AIC,于1967年成立于美国华盛顿,每4年召开一次国际学术大会AIC Congress,该学术大会旨在通过组织相关国际会议,促进信息交流,推动颜色领域科学、艺术、工业以及教育的发展。




