
Om nom nom: can you whip up the city's best cookie?

2018-01-29 TimeOutBeijing

Beijing's bakers knead to hear about this

For the past five years, The Hutong's Cookie Monster Charity Bake-off has confirmed our suspicions: Beijing is home to a huge community of cookie bakers and cookie monsters.

The Hutong and food blogger LumDimSum are now calling for the city's best bakers to take part in their fifth annual bake-off to satisfy the cravings of the sweet-toothed masses, with a portion of all tickets and sales going towards a (yet to be named) local community charity.

All you have to do in order to take part is email Kristen (kristen@lumdimsum.com) with your recipe and a photo of your cookies by Friday 2 March. Due to space limitations, 15 finalists will be carefully selected to ensure a diverse range of cookies is on offer. If chosen, you'll need to provide enough cookie sample bites for around 80 attendees and will also be allowed to sell your cookies on site (five for 20RMB, with 5RMB going to charity).

If you're not much of a baker but the thought of chomping your way through all those cookies is making you salivate, don't fear. Taking place on Sunday 25 March from 2-5pm, the Hutong will be selling entrance tickets for 150RMB (100RMB for members), which will give you sample bites of all cookies and a cup of warm milk to dunk them into. There will also be a charity raffle plus hot chocolates and hot toddies to get your hands on.

For full event details, hit 'Read more'.

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