
It's Star Wars Day: Check out this hilarious redubbed version

TimeOutBeijing 2019-04-12

It's a timeless battle of good versus evil, and it's hysterical

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away (read: Shanghai) a humble expat going by the name of Winterson watched a pirated copy of Revenge of the Sith and uncovered possibly some of the best crappy film subtitles ever. Thankfully, he uploaded evidence of this masterclass in cinema to his blog for us all to point and laugh at.

Cue that iconic John Williams score! 

This new-and-improved version of the film, renamed Backstroke of the West by some confused and possibly hyper-patriotic knock-off DVD translator, featured subtitles of such questionable accuracy that they might as well have been written by Jabba the Hutt.

Actual line: 'Nooooooooooooooo!'

Now, in these dark, dark days, the inevitable has happened. Some anonymous genius – the hero we do not deserve but who we oh-so-desperately need – has over-dubbed Revenge of the Sith with these horrorshow translations. And it's perfection. Behold, screenshots:

Some of the subtitles are borderline OK – as in, you can see what the translator was trying to get at and where exactly they went wrong. Some of 'em, not so much.

With all apologies to Lucasfilm, we probably prefer this version. It is a truth universally acknowledged that the dialogue in the Star Wars prequels was the definition of heinous: at least this time around, the script knows it's freakin' funny.

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=k0365o9olwp&width=500&height=375&auto=0The Samuel L Jackson dub actor does a pretty good impression.

The voice actors/space wizards that star in the redub do a pretty solid job of impersonating Ewan McGregor and the rest of the gang (special shout out to knock-off Samuel L Jackson!), and this version of Anakin Skywalker is a definite improvement.

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=r0365ht15lw&width=500&height=375&auto=0Once more with feeling, Anakin!

Sweet moon of Endor, we just can't stop laughing. Our suggestion to any Star Wars fans out there would be to grab your lightsaber, fire up the redub in its entirety and recapture that sense of joy you felt the first time you saw the films in the series and were too young to notice the awful dialogue. May the force (of hilarity) be with you!

To watch the whole of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith in all of its redubbed glory, hit 'Read more'.

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