
WeChat ID i21stCentury Intro 《中国日报》旗下的时尚英文学习媒体。最新鲜、最好玩、最实用的英语全在这里了!每天十分钟,专治“英语学不好”。 在这个不发表情包就不能好好说话的时代,人人手机里都有些拿得出手的存货。 心血来潮p个图,闲来无事斗斗图。 有网友说了:何以解忧?唯有表情包。 然而,最近哈佛大学的10名准入学新生,却因为发表情包被开除了…… 据CNN报道,至少10名即将入学的哈佛大学新生,因在Facebook群组里分享“不可描述”的表情包,被校方取消了录取资格。 Harvard University has withdrawn acceptance offers to at least 10 incoming freshmen after school administrators discovered the students were sharing explicit memes via a Facebook chat group, according to The Harvard Crimson student newspaper. 发个表情包都能被开除,热爱斗图的小伙伴们一定肝颤了吧? 这事最早是被著名的哈佛学生校报Harvard Crimson爆料出来的。原来,这些新生发布的内容,“带有露骨的性意味、有些针对少数族裔”…… (标题:哈佛因淫秽表情包取消至少10名新生入学资格) Harvard College rescinded admissions offers to at least ten prospective members of the Class of 2021 after the students traded sexually explicit memes and messages that sometimes targeted minority groups in a private Facebook group chat. 据Harvard Crimson报道,群组成员发的表情包及言论,嘲讽或拿包括性暴力受害者、犹太人大屠杀、儿童死亡以及某些种族开玩笑。 The memes were shared in a Facebook messaging group that at one point was called "Harvard memes for horny bourgeois teens." In the group, members joked about subjects including sexual assault, the Holocaust, deaths of children, and certain ethnic or racial groups, according to the Crimson. 由于这些表情包的内容不适宜公开,哈佛校报和主流媒体都没公布。 事情起因经过是这样的。刚收到录取通知书的新生们,热衷在Facebook上组建“新生群”,想赶快熟络起来。 而这次出事被查的群组是个私密群, 叫“Harvard memes for horny bourgeois teens”(哈佛小资猥琐骚年表情包群)。 报道说,这个私密聊天群是从一个约有100名哈佛新生的大群里分出来的。大群里的都是准备今年秋季入学的学生,彼此通过学校在脸书上设立的“哈佛2021届学生”官方页面取得联系。而建群原本是为了闲聊,分享些有关流行文化的表情包。 The chat grew out of a roughly 100-member messaging group that members of the Class of 2021 set up in early December to share memes about popular culture. Admitted students found and contacted each other using the official Harvard College Class of 2021 Facebook group. 没想到,其中几名新生又自行建立了一个小群,还开始在里面发淫秽表情包…… 想要加入新群,还得“过审”:“想加入新组织,你就得在原来的大群里发个表情包证明自己够格。”原群中的成员Luca表示,“这明显就是一种‘虽然刚刚进了哈佛,但这不表示我们就不能开这种玩笑了啊。’的心态。” “They were like, ‘Oh, you have to send a meme to the original group to prove that you could get into the new one,’” Luca said. “This was a just-because-we-got-into-Harvard-doesn’t-mean-we-can’t-have-fun kind of thing.” 其他2021级的新生们都强烈支持校方将这些“不良分子”开除。新生Jessica Zhang也表示:“我欣赏幽默,但是有太多我们不应该拿来开玩笑的话题了。我尊重校方取消他们的录取资格,因为他们的行为显然暴露了他们的本性。” “I appreciate humor, but there are so many topics that just should not be joked about. I respect the decision of the admissions officers to rescind the offers because those actions really spoke about the students’ true characters.” 据哈佛校报统计,今年有将近4万人申请哈佛,拿到录取通知书的有2056人,占总申请人数的5.2%。而这其中约有84%的学生,最终接受了offer,创造了近年新高。 Harvard admitted 5.2 percent of applicants to the Class of 2021, accepting 2,056 of the nearly 40,000 total applicants. Roughly 84 percent of students invited to join the class accepted their offer, marking the highest yield rate in recent memory. 不过,怎么也是万千学子做梦都想进的顶级学府。这些出事的个别“尖子生”,一不小心还是露馅了……  正可谓:知人知面不知心,表情包现你风骨。 心术不正,就别浪费名额啦。 怎么,你说你早就毕了业,也不“贪念”什么哈佛耶鲁了? 然而,如果你只想去美国旅游,发表情包也得留神了~ 因为,现在申请美国签证,还有可能被查社交账号信息…… 据路透社等外媒报道,为了履行“极端严厉审查”外国人入境的承诺,特朗普政府不久前签署了重要法规:向全世界各国美国签证申请人新增一份调查问卷,问题包括申请者最近5年的社交媒体账号和近15年中使用的邮箱地址以及手机号码。 5月23日,美国行政管理和预算局(Office of Management and Budget)批准了这项决议,并立即执行。 Foreigners looking to enter the United States will now be required to disclose their social media handles from the last five years, and email addresses and phone numbers used in the last 15 years when applying for a visa. The questionnaire for visa applications officially went into effect after being approved last month by the Office of Management and Budget and marks the latest push to tighten security at the borders by the Trump administration. 从5月25日起,无论你是学生、游客、访问学者还是即将定居美国的移民,如果到美国领事馆面签,就可能会收到一份补充问卷,要求你填写过去5年的社交媒体账号名(不需要填密码)和15年个人资料(如居住地址、工作记录、旅行史、现有和过去所有配偶或伴侣、兄弟姐妹、孩子的名字等。)↓↓↓ (上图为问卷样本,可见其中一栏为Social Media社交账号) The policy demands social media profiles and email addresses. Consular officials also will be able to demand an applicant hand over additional information, including phone numbers and 15 years of biographical information including addresses, employment history and previous travels. The officers will not request passwords to log in to the social media accounts despite earlier considerations by the administration to require such disclosures from those hoping to enter the country. 虽然答案由申请人自愿提供,且你也不会立刻被拒签,但是表格指出,未提供资料可能延误或妨碍个人签证申请的处理。 The application form notes that providing the requested information is voluntary and won’t automatically keep the applicant from being granted a visa, but also warns failure to provide the information may “delay or prevent” the traveler’s approval. 不过,也不是每个申请人都会收到这份补充问卷。据美国国务院估计,将会收到这份问卷的人仅约占全部申请人数的0.5%。 According to reports, the State Department expects that about 0.5% of visa applicants will be given the questionnaire. 所以,想去美国学习玩耍的小伙伴,以后要留神自己的微博微信QQ了~ 热门文章: 高考考前干货!最容易弄混的单词句子整理+书面表达必备素材库,高三党必看! 特朗普大半夜发了这样一条推特,结果歪果仁集体嗨了一整天 老外唱“三生三世”英文片尾曲好听到心碎,听那些年歪果仁翻唱的中文歌 女王去世,查尔斯登基,凯特夺权……BBC新剧开了个年度最大的脑洞 艾玛女神刚拿了个大奖,然而一听获奖感言大家就怼上了 菜单翻译成这样,别说下筷子了,下巴都吓掉了…… 邓文迪写给伊万卡的小作文里满满都是爱,这闺蜜情真不是一般 歪果仁最近在美版知乎上提了这样一个问题,艾玛看得人都不好意思了~      【福利】中高考特辑上架啦!一本在手,考试无忧!爆款随时可能断货,戳这里进入商城开抢啦~ 今年要过一个不一样的暑假,戳这里多款国际游学项目惊艳你的整个夏天!还有“21世纪杯”演讲比赛精英选手高清演讲光盘最新上架,戳这里get英语演讲最佳范本啦~ Reward 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

