
华为CFO孟晚舟加拿大被捕! 我外交部: 立即放人! (附最新消息汇总)

世纪君 21世纪英文报 2019-11-07





Canada has arrested the chief financial officer of China’s Huawei Technologies, who now faces extradition to the United States. “She is sought for extradition by the United States, and a bail hearing has been set for Friday,” Justice Department spokesman said in a statement to The Globe and Mail.







At the request of the US side, the Canadian side arrested a Chinese citizen not violating any American or Canadian law. The Chinese side firmly opposes and strongly protests over such kind of actions which seriously harmed the human rights of the victim. The Chinese side has lodged stern representations with the US and Canadian side, and urged them to immediately correct the wrongdoing and restore the personal freedom of Ms. Meng Wanzhou. We will closely follow the development of the issue and take all measures to resolutely protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens.

外交部:澄清原因 立即放人



Q: According to reports, after the Canadian government arrested Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei, the spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Canada has issued a statement about this. Can you tell us whether the Chinese side has summoned the Canadian Ambassador to lodge representations in Beijing?


A: The Chinese side has lodged stern representations with and made clear its stern position to the Canadian side and the US side respectively on this, demanding them to immediately clarify the reason for the detention, immediately release the detainee and earnestly protect the legal and legitimate rights and interests of the person involved. 


Q: Whether the detention of Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei might affect the ongoing trade negotiations between China and the US?



A: Like I said just now, the Chinese side has made clear its stern position to the Canadian side and the US side respectively on this, demanding them to immediately clarify the reason for the detention, immediately release the detainee and earnestly protect the legal and legitimate rights and interests of the person involved. 

With regard to the trade talks between China and the US mentioned by you, I have kept stressing in the past few days that China and the US should follow the consensus reached by the two heads of state to step up consultations and reach a mutually beneficial agreement at an early date. 


Q: Regarding the detention of Huawei's chief financial officer, when was the Chinese side notified of that? It is learned that she was detained on December 1, the day when the China-US leaders' meeting was held. Did the two sides talk about this during the meeting? 




A: On your first question, I cannot talk about the specifics of this case here. 

What I can tell you is that after learning about the relevant situation, the Chinese side immediately provided consular assistance to the person concerned and lodged stern representations with the Canadian side and the US side, demanding them to immediately clarify the reason for the detention, immediately release the detainee and earnestly protect the legal and legitimate rights and interests of the person involved. 

On your second question, both China and the US have issued the readouts on the China-US summit. I may refer you to that. 


Q: Such corporate executives as Meng Wanzhou could be found guilty in Canada for being in breach of sanctions the US has imposed on Iran. What is your comment? 



A: As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has been faithfully and strictly implementing all the resolutions adopted by the Security Council. Meanwhile, we oppose the imposition of unilateral sanctions by certain country outside the framework of the Security Council. This position is consistent and clear-cut. 

In addition, according to my information, Huawei has issued a statement on this, which stressed that it abides by all the applicable laws and regulations of the countries where it operates. I would refer you to that. 


Q: The spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Canada in his statement said that Meng Wanzhou had not violated any Canadian or American law. Can you tell us what the basis of that statement is?



A: Like I said just now, the Chinese side has made clear its stern position to the Canadian side and the US side respectively on this case, demanding them to immediately clarify the reason for the detention, immediately release the detainee and earnestly protect the legal and legitimate rights and interests of the person involved. 

Meanwhile, I believe you have also noted that Huawei has issued a statement on this. I may refer you to that. 


Q: The Chinese side has not actually got a full explanation from the Canadian side as to why Meng Wanzhou was detained. Is that right?



A: The Chinese side has lodged stern representations with and made clear its stern position to the Canadian side and the US side respectively on this, demanding them to immediately clarify the reason for the detention and immediately release the detainee.

According to my information, neither the US nor Canada has made any clarification on the reason for the detention so far. 


Q: Does China view this case as a legal and criminal matter or a political matter?


A: The Chinese side has lodged stern representations with and made clear its stern position to the Canadian side and the US side respectively on this, demanding them to immediately clarify the reason for the detention and immediately release the detainee. 


Q: The Chinese Embassy in Canada said that the detention of Meng Wanzhou had seriously harmed her human rights, but the Canadian side said that she was detained under Canadian law. Why did the Chinese side say that her detention seriously harmed her human rights?



A: According to my information, the Chinese Consulate-General in Vancouver immediately provided consular assistance to the person concerned. The Chinese side demands the Canadian side to earnestly ensure Chinese citizens' security, humanitarian treatment and legal rights and interests. Detaining the person involved with no explicit reason certainly harms her human rights. 

In addition, like I said just now, neither the US nor Canada has made any clarification on the reason for the detention so far. 






Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday said his government had no involvement in the arrest of a top executive from Chinese technology giant Huawei, who was detained at Vancouver airport.


Trudeau said Ottawa had been given a few days’ advance notice about the plan to arrest Meng Wanzhou, who faces extradition to the United States. He declined to give further details, given that Meng faces a bail hearing on Friday.


Asked whether he had spoken to the Chinese premier or the ambassador, Trudeau said he had had no conversations with international counterparts about the case.

综合来源:外交部官方网站、环球网、Global news




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