

前不久美国闹得沸沸扬扬的名校入学舞弊案(戳这里回顾),近日又曝出了一件惊天大事:其中一笔涉案最高的款项来自一个名叫“Yusi Zhao”女生的家庭。她的父母花费650万美元,通过中间人辛格的帮助,使其进入斯坦福大学。该生现已被开除。


5月3日,北京青年报记者从香港孖士打律师事务所律师Vincent W C Law处获得一份赵雨思母亲的声明,回应自己受到误导,被人利用,而其女儿更成为了诈骗事件的受害者。


The mother of Zhao Yusi, a Chinese student who was expelled from Stanford University earlier in April amid investigations into a U.S. college admission cheating scandal, said on May 3 that her family was misled into paying 6.5 million U.S. dollars to an adviser, who allegedly used it to as donation to the university.

Zhao's mother said through her lawyer Vincent Law that they paid the money to William Singer's foundation on April 21, 2017, a month after her daughter received the offer from the university. According to Mrs. Zhao's announcement, her daughter was also a victim in the incident.



Shandong Buchang Pharmaceuticals chairman Zhao Tao said his daughter’s studies in the US are a personal matter and she didn't receive any funds from the company. As a listed company, Buchang’s operations are independent and will not be influenced by personal matters.





The billionaire Chinese family of former Stanford sophomore Yusi Zhao paid $6.5 million — the largest known sum in the college admissions scandal uncovered by Operation Varsity Blues — to secure her admission to Stanford.

Yusi was expelled after the University discovered that her application contained falsified sailing credentials linked to a $500,000 payment to the University’s sailing program. She moved out of her on-campus residence on March 30, according to sources familiar with the matter — three days before the University announced the expulsion in a press release on April 2. 



据美国国家广播公司新闻网站报道,赵雨思的家长并没有被指控,他们是由摩根士丹利的一名员工牵线才认识了这件事的主使辛格。这名员工名叫 Michael Wu,是一名财务顾问。不过他已经在3月被摩根士丹利解雇,理由是“不配合招生案的内部调查”。

The parents of the student, identified as Yusi Zhao, have not been charged. They were referred to the scam's ringleader, William Rick Singer, by an employee at Morgan Stanley, the source said.

Zhao's parents reached Singer through a referral by a Morgan Stanley financial adviser, Michael Wu, according to a person familiar with the matter. Wu was fired in March, the person said.

A Morgan Stanley spokesperson said Wu was terminated for "not cooperating with an internal investigation into the college admissions matter."

"We are cooperating with the authorities," the spokesperson added.


Michael Wu的律师则透露,是辛格欺骗了自己的当事人,辛格此前表示这些钱都是交给斯坦福大学的,用于“员工薪酬和奖学金”,以及“资助体育运动项目和学校资源不足的项目”。他还表示,当事人被公司解雇时正在国外,在尽力配合公司调查。

Wu's lawyer, Raymond Aghaian, said Singer duped the Morgan Stanley adviser by telling him the money would go toward Stanford University "staff salaries and scholarships" and "fund athletics special programs and the university's underserved outreach programs."

"Singer made such statements as he knew Mr. Wu would not engage in wrongdoing," said Aghaian, who added that his client was fired while out he was out of the country and trying to cooperate with Morgan Stanley.


"It's important to clarify that Stanford did not receive $6.5 million from Singer, or from a student's family working with Singer," the university said in the statement. "Stanford was not aware of this reported $6.5 million payment from the family to Singer until today’s news reports."


事情扑朔迷离,不过至少大家搞懂了一点:如果有人告诉你花钱能进斯坦福,那可要小心了(捂脸) ……

综合来源:北京青年报,环球时报,每日经济新闻,CGTN,Stanford Daily, NBC, Los Angeles Times

