

世纪君 21世纪英文报 2020-02-19






A senior Trump administration official has embellished her résumé with misleading claims about her professional background — even creating a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it — raising questions about her qualifications to hold a top position at the State Department.

那么,特朗普政府中的这位 “戏精”女子,到底是何许人也?我们还是先来看看她为自己立下了怎样的人设↓↓↓

这位韩裔女性名叫张米娜 (Mina Chang),目前担任美国国务院冲突与稳定行动局副助理国务卿 (Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations)。


Mina is an alumna of the Harvard Business School, a graduate of the United States Army War College National Security Seminar, a Harvard John F. Kennedy Senior Executive in National and International Security and a former International Security Fellow at New America.




In 2014, Chang described having a career in music during which she recorded albums in Korean and English before the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which she said prompted her to forgo an opportunity to re-sign with her recording label and instead pursue nonprofit work.

"I took a huge chance stepping away from something I thought was safe and such a huge opportunity, but I knew this is where my heart is." 





Chang says in her official biography that she is as an "alumna" of Harvard Business School. According to the university, Chang attended a seven-week course in 2016, and does not hold a degree from the institution.

Harvard Business School spokesperson Mark Cautela said the school grants "alumni status" to anyone who attends certain executive education programs, even without having earned a degree there.


Her biography on the State Department website says she is a "graduate" of a program at the Army War College. But the program she attended was a four-day seminar on national security, according to the college.


然而据商业内幕网 (Business Insider)报道, 校方却并没有张米娜的入学信息,学校的一名工作人员也表示,从未收到张米娜交来的学费或者上课记录。

这位工作人员还表示,该项目名称中的“经管”(executive) 一词是今年新加的,项目更新名字后的第一届学生,还有几周才结课……


根据其领英账号上的资料显示,她可能只是毕业于一个学历并未获得承认的基督教学院,名为国家大学(University of Nations)。

Chang does not cite any undergraduate degree in her biography, but her LinkedIn account mentions the University of the Nations, an unaccredited Christian school with volunteer teachers that says it has 600 locations "on all continents."




Chang's biography says she was part of a panel on drones in humanitarian relief efforts convened by the U.N. But there's no record backing up her claim and a source with knowledge of the matter said she was not part of the "panel," which was a single public roundtable.

在加入美国国务院之前,张米娜还是一家名为“连接世界”(Linking the World)的非盈利组织的CEO。她曾多次公开表示,这个组织在数十个国家/地区开展业务,修建学校并影响成千上万的人。


For Chang's current job, her most relevant experience would appear to be her time as CEO of a nonprofit called Linking the World. Chang has touted her small nonprofit online and in speeches as operating in dozens of countries, building schools and "impacting" thousands of people. But tax filings for her organization offer no concrete information about overseas projects and show a budget of less than $300,000 with a handful of staff.


但据曾在活动中和张米娜同住一个酒店的《华盛顿邮报》总编辑凯文·西埃夫 (Kevin Sieff) 回忆称,她行动的画风相当令人困惑:在城市废墟前各种拍照,在酒店里面拍短视频……

Chang claims to have traveled the world for her nonprofit work. Her destinations included Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria, and the Philippines, where she frequently uploaded photos and videos of her travels.

At least one member of the media scrutinized her work during her trips.

“I spent two days in Mogadishu at the same hotel as her in 2016,” Kevin Sieff, a Washington Post bureau chief, said on Twitter. “A truly bizarre experience.”






One video includes an interview with Chang, asking her to talk about making the Time cover – an achievement now known to be fake.

In it, an interviewer says: “Let’s take a look at some pictures you brought with you, of your work around the world” – before displaying the cover on screen.

Chang describes the cover without hesitation, saying: “Well, we started using drone technology in disaster response, and so that was when the whole talk of how is technology being used to save lives in disaster response scenarios … I suppose I brought some attention to that.” A Time magazine spokesperson has since confirmed that the cover is not real.




据美媒调查发现,张米娜凭借“慈善”机构的包装,成功在美国一些“名流汇集”的慈善社交场合结识到了诸如国务卿蓬佩奥的西点军校校友布赖恩·布拉塔奥(Brian Bulatao)等关键性人物,以及军方一些供应商,并向她的慈善组织捐款。

Whatever her qualifications, Chang had a key connection in the Trump administration. Brian Bulatao, a top figure in the State Department and longtime friend of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, attended a fundraiser for her nonprofit in Dallas and once donated $5,500 to her charity, according to a former colleague of Chang's.


Chang cultivated an active social media profile, presenting herself as a globe-trotting humanitarian, and appeared at well-heeled charity dinners in Dallas, including a "Women That Soar" dinner and a Dallas Opera event.

Her Instagram account, with 42,000 followers, includes selfies with celebrities and Washington luminaries like former President Bill Clinton, retired Gen. David Petraeus, former Defense Secretary Bob Gates, Karl Rove, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Buzz Aldrin.


可张米娜还是在美国国务卿蓬佩奥执掌的美国国务院捞到了要职,在今年4月成为了美国国务院“冲突与稳定行动局”的“第三号”领导——助理国务卿,年薪达到了6位数。NBC还称,她可能还拥有最高机密的安全许可(top secret security clearance)。

Chang was originally being considered for an even more senior government post in which she would have overseen the U.S. Agency for International Development's work in Asia. She would have been responsible for a budget of more than $1 billion. The administration announced an intent to nominate her in late 2018. She was appointed to the State Department post in the interim.

Chang's nomination to the USAID job, which would have required Senate confirmation, was withdrawn on Sept. 9 without public explanation, after the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations asked her for more documents and details about her nonprofit organization and her work experience.





综合来源:NBC,Business Insider, The Guardian, 央视新闻,中国日报,观察者网

