

世纪君 21世纪英文报 2021-06-06




A 23-year-old Singapore man who was studying in London has spoken out about racism linked to the coronavirus after suffering facial injuries in a "racially aggravated assault."



震惊多于愤怒——这是Jonathan Mok当时的感受,2月24日他在伦敦街头遇到一伙人,之后就遭遇了新冠病毒相关的种族主义袭击。

More shock than anger or fear – that was what Singaporean student Jonathan Mok felt when he was jumped by a group of strangers in London in a coronavirus-related racist attack on Feb 24.


The 23-year-old final-year law student at the University College London opened up about his ordeal on Tuesday (March 3) on Facebook and posted two photos of himself showing a swollen eye.



He posted two photos of his face on social media, explaining: "One image was taken in the mirror and hence, the laterally inverted image."


The attack happened in Oxford Street, near the London Underground's Tottenham Court Road station at around 9.15pm, after he walked past a group of five young people, including a girl.


He turned around and looked at them after he heard one of them say “coronavirus”. The man then shouted, “Don’t you dare look at me, you...” and punched him in the face twice as passers-by tried to stop the group.


Mr Mok said that another man shouted, “I don’t want your coronavirus in my country”, before punching him in the face again. The group fled before the police arrived.




London's Metropolitan Police have released images of four men who allegedly assaulted Singaporean student Jonathan Mok. The police have yet to make any arrests, but said in a statement on Wednesday (March 4) that they are trying to identify and speak to the four men pictured.







因为新冠肺炎而来的歧视问题,远远不止这几件。这段时间,外国网友们也开始行动起来,在社交网络上#Jenesuispasunvirus(“I'm not a virus”)的话题标签引发广泛反应。



#JeNeSuisPasUnVirus or "I'm not a virus" reflects the increasing frustration of Asian citizens, who are facing a new wave of stigma and discrimination in the wake of the epidemic. This phenomenon is affecting not only citizens of Chinese descent but Asians as a whole. And it's not just happening online but also on public transport and in schools.



“I didn’t see any outpourings of grief for the 1000s who have died.”



“I didn’t see any #Pray4Wuhan.”



“I didn’t see any viral fundraisers to help Wuhan.”



“it is for so many ‘woke’ people I know to spit racism and dress it up as geopolitics or human rights concern.”



外交部:称新冠病毒是“中国病毒”极不负责任, 坚决反对

3月4日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会,在回答记者有关“个别媒体称病毒是‘中国制造’,网上有‘中国病毒’ ‘武汉病毒’之说”的提问时表示:“个别媒体称新冠病毒是‘中国病毒’极不负责任,我们对此坚决反对。我愿强调两点:

“It is highly irresponsible for some media to dub it ‘China virus’. We firmly oppose that. I want to stress two points."


First, no conclusion has been reached yet on the origin of the virus, as relevant tracing work is still underway. The WHO has said many times that what we are experiencing now is a global phenomenon with its source still undetermined, and we should focus on containing it and avoid stigmatizing language toward certain places. The name COVID-19 was chosen by the WHO for the purpose of making no connections between the virus and certain places or countries. Dr. Zhong Nanshan, respiratory specialist and member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that the epidemic was first reported in China but was not necessarily originated in China.


Second, we should all say no to ‘information virus’ and ‘political virus’. By calling it ‘China virus’ and thus suggesting its origin without any supporting facts or evidence, some media clearly want China to take the blame and their ulterior motives are laid bare. The epidemic is a global challenge. The right move should be working together to fight it, which means no place for rumors and prejudice. We need science, reason and cooperation to drive out ignorance and bias. 




综合来源:海峡时报,环球网,外交部官网,FOX New,BBC

