今年暑期去新疆旅游火了大好的美景吸引着来自全国各地的游客据央视新闻报道,从7月1日到21日,新疆地区累计接待游客约2554万人次比去年同期增长15.70% With effective prevention against COVID-19, Xinjiang has become one of the top choices for Chinese tourists recently, especially since the summer vacation started. From July 1 to 21, a total of 25.54 million tourists travelled to the Xinjiang region, up 15.7 percent year-on-year, China Central Television reported on Friday, citing a local official. 由于出行游客较多#新疆被全国游客挤爆了#等相关话题连续冲上热搜随着新疆地区旅游爆火独库高速公路成为了当地最热门的景点之一图源:新华网据新华网报道独库公路全程561公里拥有戈壁、草原、湖泊、雪山、冰川、峡谷等地貌被《中国国家地理》评为纵贯天山脊梁的景观大道受季节影响每年只有6月到10月五个月通车时间图源:视觉中国 然而网友被其美景刷屏的同时还看到了一些十分刺眼的消息有关 “新疆独库公路垃圾遍地”的话题引发关注 Dubbed as "China's most beautiful highway," the Duku Highway opens only five months a year to travelers due to the weather conditions. With the Xinjiang region attracting tourists from all over the country, the Duku Highway recently became one of the hottest scenic spots. Trips to the highway have boomed with accommodations completely booked and the Duku Highway jammed with cars. However, the tourist boom also brought littering. Some netizens warned that the garbage could be eaten by animals and cause irreparable harm to them. 据澎湃新闻等媒体报道近日,不少网友反映新疆独库公路上垃圾遍地尤其在停车区、休息站等场所食品袋、口罩、塑料瓶遍地都是视频来源:燃新闻一位受访游客表示非常气愤:“一路上都能看见垃圾,在各种站点更是夸张,自己拿着袋子捡了一些,但根本捡不完。” 网友拍到独库公路附近满地的垃圾。小红书网友@Roeeeey 图 除了独库公路外新疆的徒步胜地乌孙古道也是新疆热门“打卡”地之一图源:视觉中国乌孙古道穿越天山山脉徒步线路北起新疆伊犁特克斯县南至新疆阿克苏地区拜城县沿途可以看到高山草甸、峡谷、雪山、河流等途中天堂湖的美景更是让不少人向往图源:视觉中国据中国新闻网极目新闻等媒体消息近日,随着游客增多天堂湖景区也出现了垃圾遍地的问题有游客露营后留下的垃圾除了食品包装袋和饮料瓶甚至还有瘪了的充气划艇、燃气罐等图源:极目新闻视频截图7月23日新疆伊犁州特克斯县文旅局相关负责人表示当地每天有直升机把垃圾带出来也会叮嘱领队和牧民提醒游客不要乱扔垃圾但是不文明现象仍有发生视频来源:极目新闻据澎湃新闻另有游客表示在新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠也发现了同样的问题新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠 图源:视觉中国游客发现垃圾有的浮在表面上有的埋在沙子里“根本捡不完”而这些密布美景之上的垃圾不仅看着令人难受更会对当地的环境生态造成影响 有游客注意到当地一些牛羊等动物会在吃草时误食或因好奇而啃嚼塑料袋等垃圾由于塑料无法在动物体内消化会有动物因误食塑料袋而死亡的案例网友拍到小牛在吃草地上的垃圾袋。图片来源:澎湃新闻7月24日新疆维吾尔自治区文化和旅游厅官方公众号发表文章呼吁“请!不!要!让独库公路变成垃圾场”图源:微信公众号@新疆是个好地方7月24日文章截图 The tourism authorities of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Sunday called on tourists to keep the Duku Highway, one hot scenic spot, clean and tidy after some netizens alerted online about the garbage seen along the road. "Please, do not turn the Duku Highway into a wasteyard," read a statement released by the regional tourism authorities on its official Wechat account. 文章中倡议:“请自驾游客随车携带垃圾袋,将垃圾投放到沿途的垃圾箱或垃圾站内。自驾途中不随意停靠,在划定停车位按箭头方向停车。” "Self-driving tourists, please bring garbage bags and put the garbage in dustbins or garbage stations along the road. Do not stop randomly on the road and please park in the designated space following the direction of the arrows," the statement said. “徒步、旅拍的游客,请将您的随身物品或使用后收好带走,不要随手丢弃。” "For tourists on foot or taking photos on the road, please take away your personal belongings and do not throw them away on the road," it said. 出游尽量自带水杯和环保袋,减少饮料瓶、塑料袋的丢弃和污染。 Please bring your own cups and recyclable bags to reduce the waste and pollution of beverage bottles and plastic bags, it added. “一定不要在水源旁和牧场区域乱丢垃圾,谨防天真的小牛小羊误食垃圾危害生命。” Do not litter near water sources and pasture areas to avoid litter being eaten by cattle, the regional tourism authority stressed. 文明旅游保护大自然正如《人民日报》26日微博发出的倡议:除了脚印,什么都别留下! 让我们共同努力不让这样的“人间天堂”变成“垃圾海洋” 综合来源:共青团中央,新华网,澎湃新闻,中国新闻网,极目新闻,Global Times 推荐视频