Pokemon Go作为一款热门手游,好像越来越跑偏了……相亲交友什么的,你好意思吗?
Pokemon Go的火爆程度就不用多说了,现在如果有谁还没听过,那他要么是刚刚从昏迷中苏醒,要么八成就是外星来的。
Using Pokemon Go as a Dating APP
Gaming is often seen as an unsociable and solitary pursuit. But fans of Pokémon GO claim the augmented reality craze - which since its launch last week has had users chasing around their neighborhoods in pursuit of fictional creatures - has given rise to so many chance meetings between strangers that people have started using it as a dating app.
打游戏通常被视为一种与社交无关的孤独追求。不过Pokemon Go的粉丝声称:这个自上周发行后就火上天了并让玩家们在社区里到处追虚拟生物的增强现实游戏,个玩家们创造了大量与陌生人邂逅的机会,以至于人们已经开始把它当成新的世纪佳缘了。
Numerous users have shared their stories of romance spurred by the app - claiming that they were either asked out while playing the game or invited on a Pokémon GO date with their potential love interest. It has also proved a hit as a dating activity among existing couples and as a new way of making friends.
(Existing Couple的意思是已经结婚了的夫妻,重点是existing,这里这么用是为了把他们和前面提到的单身人群区别开。)
Such is the popularity of the game - which has already been installed on more Android devices than dating app Tinder - that some fans are using it to replace movie nights, giving rise to the phrase 'Pokémon GO and chill', adapted from 'Netflix and chill'.
这游戏已经火爆到这个程度了,它在安卓机上的安装量已经超过了约会APP Tinder,以至于粉丝们现在已经用它替代了电影之夜,而“玩玩Pokemon Go冷静一下”的说法也因此火了起来(由此前的“看看Netflix的电影冷静一下”演变而来)。
(这里请注意such ...... that......这个句型,意思是:因为sth.如此地如何如何,以至于怎样。Such后面要记得主谓倒装哦。)
Angry Residents Waterbomb Pokemon Go Gamers
Angry residents who live in an apartment block, where hundreds of Pokémon Go players gather, have taken matters into their own hands by throwing waterbombs at fans of the mobile game.
数以百计的Pokemon Go玩家聚集在了一处住宅街区,而楼里愤怒的居民决定用自己的双手来捍卫平静的小日子,于是他们用水球轰炸了这帮手游狂热者。(还好楼里住的不是小鸟。)
Pokemon Go玩家集体合影
About 300 players of the app have caused a ruckus after gathering outside a Rhodes building in Sydney's inner-west where there are three pokéstops, which are pit stops where users can collect new items to advance in the game.
Avid users of the popular mobile app congregated at Peg Paterson Park but were met with hostile behaviour from neighbours who did not enjoy the presence of the large crowd.
写到这里英大也忍不住想climb over the wall去下载了,不知道会不会被大妈扔水球……