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2016-10-11 Ivy、然少 沪江英语




1. 被动式学习


Reading your text book is a great first step when it comes to studying, but you can’t just read your text book or passage. That is passive studying. To study effectively, you have to get active with the material in your book. The more we “work” with information, by reading, writing, drawing, and quizzing, the more we remember it.

2. 没有条理的学习


Every topic that you study has been presented to you in some type of sensible structure, whether it is math – which comes in building blocks, or social studies  - which comes in categories. Take some time to examine how the material you're studying was presented to you, and frame the material this way as you study.

3. 单调的重复学习


Memories are reinforced through repetition. Do not fool yourself into believing that you can really learn material in a single session of cramming. Some of the information will absorb, but some will evaporate, which means it's an OK strategy if you're going to be happy with a C grade.

4. 预习不充分


Your brain works best if we give it time to create a framework for the information we’re taking in. When you do your assigned readings befor class, you establish “drawers and files” for the information you hear in class lectures.Without this ready storage system, your brain doesn’t know where to file things, and it is more likely to get lost in confusion.

5. 对图片信息视而不见


One very common mistake students make is glazing over images and charts in their readings. Those visuals are chosen for a reason, and instructors often include information from the information on exams.The next time you’re reviewing a chapter for an exam, make sure to notice the images, and work into that information your flashcards.

6. 懒人抽认卡(记忆卡片)


Flashcards are terrific, but you have to learn to use flashcards the right way. Put key terms or dates on one side and definitions on the other. Quiz yourself repeatedly until you can define every term from memory.Go through your stack again, selecting two random cards. Then write a short paragraph explaining how the two terms relate to each other. This exercise will help you understand how individual terms fit into the bigger picture.

7. 临时抱佛脚


Students love to stay up late to study, but this is a dangerous practice on the night before a test. Often, students cram for a test late into the night, and then go to bed with the adrenalin (or caffeine) pumping throughtheir veins.When this happens, you run the risk of getting too little sleepand taking the test in a zombie-like state. 




