
十大杰出新香港青年 | 候选人Tony Agoston Verb:城市创新专家!

十大评选组委会 港漂圈 2019-05-25



Tony Agoston Verb
出  生 地:匈牙利

行       业:创科、风险投资

职      位:Greater Bay Ventures & Advisors创始人、世界经济论坛全球杰出青年社区的成员、香港智慧城市联盟投资委员会大湾区副主席、香港金融科技协会创始委员会联席主席


提  名  人:不予以公开

I am a serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, film producer and urban innovation specialistI started  my career in the creative and entertainment industry, then transitioned to innovation, technology and venture capital. 

Tony Agoston Verb是一位企业家、风险投资家、电影制片人和城市创新专家。他的职业生涯始于创意和娱乐行业,然后转向创新、科技和风险投资。

In Hong Kong, I had the pleasure to contribute to the growth of Clockenflap, Ticketflap amongtst other entertainment related projects, as well as Nest.vc an early stage venture fund and accelerator management company from Hong Kong, Mettā,Hong Kong’s open community for innovators, entrepreneurs and investors and GreaterBay Ventures & Advisors, an innovation platform focusing on the Greater Bay Area.

在香港这些年,Tony组织、参与了大大小小的不同项目和组织,并且助长了这些项目和组织的发展,比如Clockenflap、Ticketflap,以及一些娱乐相关的其他项目。再比如Nest.vc(一家香港的风险基金和孵化管理公司)Mettā(一个为创新者、企业家、投资者打造的开放社区),以及GreaterBay Ventures&Advisors(一个专注于大湾区的创新平台)。

Overall, I am just another person that wants to make a difference in the world, trying to activate resources and talent to create more value.

Hong Kong is my home and the Greater Bay Area is where I see the future both for the city and for myself. 



I am trying to create more access to opportunities for the less privileged through my projects in a sustainable way and contributing to the growth of industries at the same time. At Nest and through our accelerators, we have educated and funded a long list of early stage startups from Hong Kong and did our best to contribute to the Hong Kong startup ecosystem. 


With Mettā, my goal was to create a platform that literally everyone can plug in, learn and grow. We have some wonderful case studies of companies being born at Mettā.


Through GreaterBay Ventures, I hope I can also contribute to the fruitful integration of the Greater Bay Area and show Hong Kong young people a way how to grow and benefit from this process. For that, I am proud to be the Vice-Chair for the Greater Bay Area of the Smart City Consortium’s Investment Committee. 

而在Greater Bay Ventures,Tony希望能为大湾区的多样发展贡献自己的力量,并向香港年轻人展示如何从这个过程中成长和受益。所以,他很高兴自己能成为Smart City Consortium投资委员会大湾区的副主席。

On other notes, I am also board member and shareholder of OWN Academy, an education innovation company, giving 21st Century Skills to the Hong Kong Youth.

除此之外,Tony还是教育创新公司OWN Academy的董事会成员和股东,致力于传授香港青年一代新思维、新知识、新技能,让他们在当今市场上更具竞争力。


I am also proud of the films that I’ve produced, specifically The Helper, an impact documentary that – based on the tremendous feedback we have received – generated significant positive ripples in Hong Kong and beyond. I am determined to keep contributing to the creative stockpiles and offerings of the mindful entertainment scene.

Tony还有幸参与制作了很多电影,其中有一部叫 The Helper 的纪录片,在香港产生了巨大的反响。他希望自己能继续为香港社会创造价值,让香港更加纷繁多彩!

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