
Super Popular Japanese Hot Spring In Shanghai Revealed As A Fake

ShanghaiWOWeng 2017-02-28

 A new Dajianghu recently opened in Shanghai, getting tons of attention on social media. There’s a slight problem though… officials in Japan have announced that the Spa in shanghai is a fake, having no affiliation whatsoever with the Japanese Brand and blatantly copying.


Dajianghu is a famous and popular hot spring brand in Japan, well known for its Japanese decorations and high quality service.

The Shanghai imitation carries the same look and feel as the spa chain in Japan. Filled with classic Japanese decorations inside,  gives visitors a taste of ancient Japan. The Hot-spring has indoor and outdoor spas. You also can enjoy a sauna, and lounges for guests to chat with friends. They also provide special Japanese desserts and Ramen, you can even take a nap in a TATAMI style room.

Dajianghu has filed a lawsuit against the copycat, but the Shanghai rip-off has remained open for business.

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