
Famous Celebrities Who Are Roosters

2017-01-19 ShanghaiWOWeng

The year of the cock is upon us! If you’re not familiar with Chinese zodiacs, it’s pretty simple: there are twelve animal years and this one happens to be the Year of the Rooster. If you’re a Rooster, that’s not exactly a good thing though according to superstition. But at least you share your zodiac animal with these famous folks: 

Gene Wilder, Actor

Birthday: June 11, 1933


Joan Rivers, Comedian

Birthday: June 8, 1933

Roman Polanski, Director

Birthday: August 18, 1933


Michael Caine, Actor

Birthday: March 14, 1933

Yoko Ono, Artist

Birthday: February 18, 1933

Neil Young, Musician

Birthday: November 12, 1945


Helen Mirren, Actress

Birthday: July 26, 1945


John Lithgow, Actor

Birthday: October 19, 1945


Steve Martin, Actor/Musician

Birthday: August 14, 1945


Daniel Day-Lewis, Actor

Birthday: April 29, 1957

Steve Buscemi, Actor

Birthday: December 13, 1957

Jack Black, Actor

Birthday: August 28, 1969


Peter Dinklage, Actor

Birthday: June 11, 1969

Edward Norton, Actor

Birthday: August 18, 1969


Paul Rudd, Actor

Birthday: April 6, 1969


Gwen Stefani, Musician

Birthday: October 3, 1969


Jay Z, Musician

Birthday: December 4, 1969


Matthew McConaughey, Actor

Birthday: November 4, 1969


Jennifer Lopez

Birthday: July 24, 1969


Britney Spears, Musician

Birthday: December 2, 1981



Birthday: September 4, 1981


Amy Schumer, Comedian/Actress

Birthday: June 1, 1981

Ariana Grande, Musician

Birthday: June 26, 1993

