
TAOBAO STUFF: Home Edition

2017-10-22 ShanghaiWOWeng

As the weather cools in Shanghai, you may find yourself spending much more time indoors. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing, especially not with the magical world of Taobao supplying us with an endless array of cool things to spruce up our living quarters. From kitchen to bedroom to bathroom, here are some ideas on how to keep your home looking and feeling snazzy.

RMB 288 for a device that makes coffee, bakes, and cooks a little egg on the top. F*ck yeah!

Organize your spices and stuff.

Solve one of western civilization’s most pressing issues: where to put the dirty ass dish washing thingie when you’re done washing dishes with it. 

Be a dinner party hero.

If you happen to live in your car, or want to cause a 20-car pile up, this is a perfect choice!

Not enough toilets for everyone in your apartment? RMB 100 and problem solved!

Hang star lights to class the place up. 

Keep your brushes clean!

Lambo bed and massage counch, YAAASSSSS please.


Keep your friends close, and your boiling corn cobs closer.

Optical illusion rug, pretty cool actually. 

Spend time with your buddy in style and comfort.

Give your feet the respect they deserve.

Corn is life.

Bottle life.

If you grip is so amazingly weak that you can't rip leaves off of herbs, taobao has something for you.

Wanted to hate this but actually kind of love it. 



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