8 Tips for Staying Sane and Healthy During CNY

2018-02-09 ShanghaiWOWeng ShanghaiWOWeng

Chinese New Year is upon us, which means the city will become a gray ghost town with limited dining options. If you’re staying around Shanghai, it might be tough to maintain your sanity during the holiday, so we’re offering some tips on how to stay sane and balanced. Enjoy!

Drink Wine

Wine has tons of health benefits. Red wines especially are known to contain antioxidants like polyphenol and resveratrol that have cardio-protective effects along with anti-cancer properties. What better way to maintain sanity than by upping your polyphenol and resveratrol!

Drink Beer

Italian researchers recently concluded that “moderate beer drinkers had a 42 percent lower risk of heart disease compared to non-drinkers.” So there you go, a healthy heart is surely a wonderful thing.

Drink Cocktails

Some cocktails have nutritious garnishes, which you can eat and, like, that’s healthy and will help you probably. One of the garnishes might even have vitamin C, which you’ll need since there’s no sunlight here for the entire month. 

Drink Liquor

If you want a drink without all the gunk in it, try Gin, known to be full of antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body restore damage done by pollution, so logic would suggest you should drink liquor when pollution levels are high. 

Drink Shots

Take a shot of Gin, didn’t you read the last thing?

Drink Flaming Shots 

Adreneline has countless health benefits, such as enabling superhuman pain resistance and strength. Both of those sound great, so pump up your adrenaline by taking a shot that’s on fire. 

Drink Champagne

Scientists at Reading University have done research suggesting that Champagne can significantly improve memory. What better way to stay sane and healthy than by remembering which one of those delivery places gave you those awful dumplings last time and avoid them along with the debilitating stomach illness they caused you, ultimately ruining that big weekend you had planned where you were supposed to go to Moganshan with friends but had to cancel last minute and it was too late to find a replacement so you lost the money. 

Drink Coffee with Alcohol in It

How you start your day has a huge impact on everything you do that day, so start it with a blast of caffeine and alcohol, so you can be alert but also brave and daring. 

Drink Baijiu

Baijiu is another drink that has resveratrol, proven to activate longevity proteins that extend the life of laboratory rats. It’s also cheap (usually), so you’ll be extending your life for a bargain!

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