
展览预告 | 索科洛夫作品展

798桥艺术空间 桥艺术空间 2021-09-26

艺术家 | Artist:

瓦西里·瓦西里耶维奇·索科洛夫 (1915-2013)Василий Васильевич Соколов开幕时间 | Opening:2020.3.29 , 15:00展览地点 | Address:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区D09-1D09-1 No.4, 798 Art zone Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China主办单位 | Organizer:艺术空间 | Art Bridge Gallery协办单位 | Co-Organizer:扶春文化艺术中心 | Fu Chun Cultural And Art Center媒体支持 | Media:艺术中国  / 在艺 / 凤凰新闻 / 雅昌艺术网  / 青桐创媒 /  艺厘米art.china.cn / zaiart / ifeng news / artron.net / platan creative media / artcm

 前 言 | Foreword 
— 邵佳岭 | Shao Jialing








Russian oil painting has a history of more than 400 years of inheritance and development. It has strong national and realist spiritual characteristics. It has both eastern and western cultural characteristics in artistic style, and plays an important role in the world oil painting art system and pattern.


Sokolov (1915-2013), Russian artist, academician of the Academy of Arts, tenured professor of Repin Academy of Fine Arts, Repin Academy of Fine Arts set up a "Sokolov Shelf Painting Studio" and became one of a well-known Repin Academy of Fine Arts studios with reputation in the world. The representative of the former Soviet Union, President of the Artists Association Ioganson  once commented that Sokolov's work "represents the reality of life, the description of things with flesh and blood, vivid and concrete". Sokolov, Melnikov, and Moiseyenko are three outstanding mentors of Repin Academy of Fine Arts in modern times, and are representatives of Russian contemporary oil painting art with expressive realistic style.


Sokolov is an person advocate of truth, kindness, and beauty, and advocates making people's lives peaceful and beautiful through the artistic creation of love. He is good at seizing the beautiful moments of nature, forming his enthusiastic, vibrant painting strokes and highly generalized artistic features. The overall and general modeling and planarization of approximate silhouettes is a common composition method used by Sokolov. For example, the picture of "Still Life-Peach" does not have too many details, but it uses a combination of nearly flat color blocks and clever rhythmic arrangements to achieve special visual effects. Sokolov said when painting still lifes: "When you find that uneven still lifes constitute beautiful silhouettes at an angle, you can sit and start painting." This kind of silhouette-based flattening formed by the overlapping relationship of objects makes his works full of wonderful rhythm.


Sokolov's works have a distinctive sense of the times and his own characteristics. These paintings emphasize feelings, love to life, and love to the nature. In the large brushes on the surface, implied delicate psychological layers and serious artistic tastes.


 作品预告 | Upcoming Works 

春之既来 | Spring is Coming

140X150 cm   布面油画 | Oil on canvas   1985


静物-桃子 | Peaches

 60X80 cm   布面油画 | Oil on canvas   1996

冬储 | Winter Saving

50X80 cm   纸板油画 | Oil on paper   1985

雪中前行-回家 | Waling in the snow - Back home

60X80 cm   木板油画 | Oil on wood   2001

初春的窗外 | outside the window in early spring

70X80 cm   布面油画 | Oil on canvas   1987

写生 | Sketch

 65X50 cm   布面油画 | Oil on canvas   1998

窗前的初春 | Early spring in front of window

80X65 cm   布面油画 | Oil on canvas   1999

蓝色的涅瓦河 | Blue Neva

91X101 cm   木板油画 | Oil on wood   1990   

 艺术家简历 | Artist Resume 


Василий Васильевич Соколов

(1915 - 2013)


1915   出生于圣彼得堡
1925   就读于克拉斯诺达尔市初级中学(优等生)
1932   就读于克拉斯诺达尔市艺术师范学校(优等生)
1935   就读于全俄艺术研究院美术、雕塑、建筑学院美术中学预科班
1938   就读于全俄艺术研究院美术、雕塑、建筑学院
1940   作品《苏军强渡谢斯特拉河》获纪念苏芬战争美术作品竞赛一等奖
1941   参加苏联红军,在北方服役
1943   就读于全俄艺术研究院列宾美术、雕塑、建筑学院,师从苏联美术家协会主席约甘松以及扎伊采夫、贝尔施泰因和米哈伊洛夫。
1945   获“1941-1945年伟大的卫国战争突出贡献”奖章
1945   在全俄艺术研究院美术中学任教
1946   加入列宁格勒美术家协会
1947   为列宁格勒国防博物馆创作油画《重建列宁格勒》
1949   参加共和国、全苏和国际美展。作品《1918年的察里津战线》参加全苏美展。任苏联艺术研究院列宾美术、雕塑、建筑学院绘画教研室助教。
1950   通过艺术学副博士学位答辩,答辩作品《1918年的察里津战线》,导师约甘夫。
1951   与法伊迪仕-克兰季耶夫斯基、捷金、切巴科夫联合创作的油画作品《列宁在第三次共青团代表大会的讲话》获得国家一等奖,指导教师约甘夫。任俄罗斯美术家协会列宁格勒美术家协会主席。
1954   作品《春天·四月》被俄罗斯国家博物馆收藏
1957   为斯摩棱斯克市美术馆创作作画《行军中的篝火》。任列宾美术、雕塑、建筑学院绘画和构图教研室副教授。任列宁格勒美术家协会主席。
1960   任列宾美术、雕塑、建筑学院绘画和构图教研会代教授
1961   为莫斯科国家革命博物馆创作油画《去战斗》
1968   任列宾美术、雕塑、建筑学院绘画和构图教研室教授
1971  为俄罗斯文化部创作油画《春天是所有人的春天》,获“纪念列宁诞辰100周年”奖章
1982  领导列宾美术、雕塑、建筑学院架上绘画个人工作室
1985  获“纪念1941-1945年伟大的卫国战争40周年”奖章
1989  创作三联画《亚美尼亚的悲伤就是我的悲伤》
1990  被推荐为列宾美术、雕塑、建筑学院终身教授
2009  获“为祖国服务”二级奖章

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In 1915, Born in St. PetersburgIn 1925,Attended Krasnodar Junior high school (Top student)In 1932, Attended in Krasnodar Art normal school (Top student)In 1935, He studied in the preparatory class of Russian academy of arts of the middleschool of fine arts, school of sculpture and architecture.In 1938, he studied in the school of fine arts, sculpture and architecture of the Russian academy of artsIn 1940, the Soviet army forced to cross the shestra river won the first prize inthe art competition commemorating the Soviet war.In 1941,HeJoined the Soviet red army and served in the north.In 1943, He studied at the Rebin school of fine arts, sculpture and architecture.In1945, He was awarded the medal of "Outstanding contribution to the greatpatriotic war of 1941-1945".In 1945, He taught in the fine arts middle school of the Russian academy of arts.In 1946,He joined the Leningrad artists' association.In 1947, Created “reconstruction of Leningrad” for the Leningrad national defensemuseum.Since1949, He has participated in republic, Soviet and international artexhibitions.In 1949, Work "The tarezin front of 1918" was exhibited in theall-soviet art exhibition.In 1949, He was the teaching assistant of painting department of the Sovietacademy of fine arts, sculpture and architecture.In 1950,He passed the deputy doctoral defense of art, defense work "TheTsaritjin front in 1918", supervisor Yoganf.In 1951, Created the oil painting ‘Lenin's speech at the third communist youthleague congress’, co-created with Faydish Krandievsky,Jekydkin and Chebakov,won the National first prize.In 1951, He was chairman of the Russian artists' association Leningrad artists'association. In 1954, "Spring · April" was collected by the National museum ofRussia.In 1957, "Bonfire on the march", was created for the Smolensk citymuseum.In 1957, He was associate professor in the department of painting and composition,school of fine arts, sculpture and architecture of Repin Academy of fine arts.President of the Leningrad artists association.In 1960, He was deputy professor of Faculty of fine arts, sculpture andarchitecture, painting and composition of Repin school of fine arts.In 1961, Created oil painting "To fight" for the National revolutionarymuseum in Moscow.In 1968 ,Professor of department of painting and composition, school of fine arts,sculpture and architecture of Repin school of fine arts.In 1971, created oil painting "Spring is everyone's spring" for theRussian ministry of culture. He was awarded the "Centenary of Lenin'sbirth" medal.In 1982,He led the Repin school of fine arts, sculpture, architecture easelpainting personal studio.In 1985, He was awarded the medal of "Commemorating the 40th anniversary ofthe great patriotic war of 1941-1945".In 1989, The triptych "Armenia's sorrow is my sorrow" was created.In 1990, He was recommended as a tenured professor in the school of fine arts,sculpture and architecture of Repin Academy of fine arts.In 2009, He was awarded the"Service to the motherland" second class medal.

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