
Abi 聚会| 如何自己制作以太坊的智能合约How to Write Smart Contract


Two years ago creating apps on the ETH network was a painfully slow process. Without any testing frameworks or dependency management tools development was a horrendous task. The situation today is completely different, there has never been a better time to start writing Dapps!

Picture credit: dailycoin.co


At this month's Abi meetup we will set up a development environment while writing, debugging, and testing a decentralized app on the ETH blockchain.

你不需要带你的笔记本电脑。但是如果你要跟着学习,请先安装Node.js和geth* (https://geth.ethereum.org/downloads)。如果你安装geth,你不要与ETH网络同步(同步需要超过30GB硬盘空间)! 我们会用一个测试ETH网络,所以你不要与ETH网络同步!

Bringing your laptop is not required, but if you want to follow along, please install Node.js and geth (https://geth.ethereum.org/downloads). If you install geth you don't need to sync with the ETH network (this will use more than 30GB of hard drive space)! We will use a test ETH network so you don't need to sync!




Antoine, from the US, is an Ethereum enthusiast, with more than 2 years of experience in developing Dapps. He came to Shenzhen to learn Chinese and work on open source projects.


 Event Info 

时间:2018年5月30日(星期三),19:30 - 21:30



Time: 19:30 - 21:30, May 30th (Wednesday), 2018

Place: Chaihuo x.factory (B608, Design Commune, Dashi 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen)

Sign up: Click “Read More” 

关于Abi About Abi Hackerspace

Abi Hackerspace是源于原来在华强北的原子比特工厂而成立的一个独立的技术爱好者的社区,以开放包容和关注技术为主要原则,成员多数来自各行业的技术背景较强的工程人员。Abi Hackerspace坚持并推动其创立的三条行动准则,默许行动者,行者自付,行胜于言。

Abi Hackspace is originated from the previous Bits & Atoms Factory in Huaqiangbei. It's a community of tech enthusiasts, whose main principles are: openness, inclusiveness, and focus on technology. The members of this community are mainly engineers with strong tech backgrounds, from different industries. The three principles of Abi Hackerspace consists of the follows:  

1. Acquiescence of actions: Provide acquiescences to the results of those who take actions and encourage further development.

2. Take ownership: Take responsibility for your actions, its cost and result, unless someone else offers to contribute.

3. Actions > words: Encourage doing and practice, instead of saying.

场地指引地图 Map to guide you to the venue of the meetup



