
10 words and phrases that have a different meaning in Shanghai

Adam Hopkins TimeOutShanghai 2019-04-11

The words and phrases that mean something slightly different here in Shanghai than most other places. And we're not talking about the local hua...

'Cheap rent'

Other places: 2,500RMB a month.

In Shanghai: >4,000RMB a month.


Other places: Chandler's surname.

In Shanghai: Something that you have for breakfast; that search engine you begrudgingly use when your VPN crumbles.

'Orderly queue'

Other places: An organised line or sequence of people waiting for their turn.

In Shanghai: Error 404 - page not found.

'Cheap drinks'

Other places: 20RMB.

In Shanghai: 65RMB.

'Glass of water'

Other places: A cool refreshing beverage.

In Shanghai: A boiling drink often served in an inappropriate receptacle that burns your hand.

'Tap water'

Other places: Something that you can drink.

In Shanghai: Something that you use while brushing your teeth but still aren't 100 percent sure about.


Other places: Sorry, what?

In Shanghai: That thing your life revolves around.


Other places: Something your dad used when he was paranoid about people hacking his online banking.

In Shanghai: That other thing your life revolves around.

'Bowel movements'

Other places: The last stop in the movement of food through one's digestive tract.

In Shanghai: A source of great concern.


Other places: The happiest place on earth.

In Shanghai: The happiest place in Pudong.

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