
Watch Season 7 of Game of Thrones at KFK with free popcorn

2017-07-12 Adam Hopkins TimeOutShanghai

It only took six long seasons for winter to finally come and, as Ned Stark always promised, winter is here. The long-awaited seventh season of Game of Thrones has arrived and you can watch it at Kung Fu Komedy Club.

Every Monday, KFK will be showing the latest episode of the immensely popular HBO fantasy drama at 9pm on their HD projector screen.

Entrance is free (although there is a one drink minimum) and there will also be a supply of complimentary popcorn. The first episode 'Dragonstone' will be screened on Monday 17, one day after it is first aired in the US - and while the guys at KFK are renowned for their sense of humour, any spoilers won't be a laughing matter.

Kung Fu Komedy Club 1 Xiangyang Bei Lu, near Julu Lu. Jul 17-Aug 28 (every Monday). 9pm. Free (one drink minimum).

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