

2017-05-31 JZPOST爵士邮报

JZ Club 每天2-3支乐队,带来整晚高品质爵士现场


6/2 FRI

红节奏 | RGP

风格:Funk/ Rock/ Pop/ Soul/ Jazz/ Fusion

推荐理由:成军12年,由美籍华裔吉他演奏家/ 作曲家——顾忠山组建的顶尖爵士放克全明星乐队!

红节奏(The Red Groove Project)被誉为中国当今最受欢迎的顶尖爵士放克全明星乐队! 2004年由刚从美国来到中国不久的JZ Music签约艺人-华裔美籍吉他演奏家/作曲家-Lawrence Ku(顾忠山)和身边的音乐好友在北京组建了这支以演奏放克风格为主的大乐队。2005年顾忠山移居上海,和一些志同道合的音杰出乐家组建起一支全新的红节奏。2009年红节奏乐队扩展到10人编制,红节奏的全新原创作品让人焕然一新,放克、摇滚、流行、灵歌、爵士,甚至美国南方音乐的各样节奏,让听者不仅摇摆身体也释放心灵。乐队成员集结了居住在上海的爵士乐坛顶尖音乐家,分别来自中国、美国、澳大利亚和巴西。不同的音乐背景让《红节奏》的音乐呈现毫无违和的融合国际感。顾忠山以及红节奏乐队第一张专辑Flow、以及第二张专辑《PROPER UP!正》至今共入围金曲奖四个奖项(最佳专辑、最佳作曲人、2次最佳专辑制作人)。


!We are the Red Groove Project. As a band we are always changing and growing, just like this dynamic city. As we grow older and hopefully wiser we come to appreciate that music at bottom is an act of bringing people together, to create and to listen, and always with a sense of joy, seriousness, and humor.  


Guitar: Lawrence Ku 顾忠山

Tenor Sax: Alec Haavik

Trumpet: HDF胡丹峰

Trumpet: Toby Mak

Trombone: Kevin Hu 胡清文

Keys: Andreas Günther

Bass: Damien Banzigou

Drums: Nicholas McBride 

Percussion: Thomas Dyani Akuru


21:00 Early Set

22:30 Main Set

01:30 Late Set

6/3 SAT

爵士全明星大乐队 | JZ All Star Big Band Conducted by Alec Haavik

风格:Swing/ Funk/ Latin/ Fusion


成立于2006年的JZ Big Band是,集合了中国国内外一流爵士乐手。乐队曾与DeeDee Bridgewater、崔健, 李泉, 顺子,赵可…等同台合作, 受邀参演:丹麦哥本哈根爵士音乐节、历届爵士上海音乐节、上海国际电影节、爵士厦门音乐节等,以及上海世博会倒计时的演出。同时JZ Big Band曾作为荷兰歌后Laura Fygi中国巡演指定乐队,多次随Laura Fygi赴北京、广州、深圳、香港等地演出,受到中外观众的关注和喜爱。

从经典的摇摆乐、节奏感强烈的放克到热情的拉丁音乐,JZ Big Band将爵士的醇厚等各种风味更好地在展现乐迷面前。乐队融合而丰富的音乐风格,瞬间带我们回到爵士的黄金时代,让我们在最纯粹的演奏中陶醉。

The JZ Big Band performs everything from swinging classic jazz of Duke Ellington and Charlie Mingus, to funk and Latin music, as well their own original compositions and world music arrangements. Since 2012,their special performance in JZ Club every Monday has attracted people from everywhere to swing all of the night, just like going back to the golden times.



Conductor & MD:Alec Haavik

Alto 1: 李世海 Shihai Li

Alto 2: 薛岳 Yue Xue

Tenor 1: Nick Aggs

Tenor 2: Jean-Christophe Béney

Bari: 张捷明 Jieming Zhang

Trumpet 1: Kyle Gregray

Trumpet 2: 胡丹峰 Danfeng Hu

Trumpet 3: Toby Mak

Trumpet 4: Antonio Ximénez

Trombone 1: 胡清文 Wenqing Hu

Trombone 2: 曹侃 CK

Trombone 3: 饶菲 Fei Rao

Bass Trombone:  梁音 Yin Liang

Piano: 黄健怡 Jianyi Huang

Guitar: 张雄关 Xiongguan Zhang

Accordion: Yordan Kospov

Bass: Brian Hurley

Drums: Charles Foldesh 


21:00 early Set

Shihai Li Quartet

22:30 Main Set

JZ All Star Big Band Conducted by AlecHaavik

01:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing

6/6 TUE

William Carn/Tara Davidson Septet

风格:Jazz Standard/ Fusion/ Modern Jazz


长号演奏家William Carn是一位加拿大有名的当代爵士长号演奏家/作曲家,演出足迹遍布世界,2014年凭借作品《 Carn Davidson NINE》提名最佳传统爵士朱诺奖。与他合作过的爵士音乐家包括:Rob McConnell, DaniloPerez, John Patitucci, Brian Blade, Miguel Zenon, Randy Brecker, David Binney,Kenny Wheeler, Tim Hagans, Barry Harris, Carla Bley, Steve Swallow, MariaSchneider, Vince Mendoza, Don Braden, Mike Murley, Hilario Duran, AndrewDowning, Jim McNeely以及John Clayton.


Tara Davidson是一位被多次提名朱诺奖的中/高音萨克斯演奏家,是纽约卡内基音乐厅、北海爵士音乐节、利马国际爵士乐节、肯尼迪中心等顶尖爵士殿堂的常客。


Trombonist William Carn has emerged asone of Canada’s leading contemporary jazz trombonists and composers.  He has performed internationally as well as throughout Canada.  He was nominated for a 2014 Best Traditional Jazz Juno Award for the Carn Davidson NINE recording aswell as being nominated in 2007 for his debut release, Other Stories.


He has performed and recorded with jazzartists including


TaraDavidson is a multi-JUNO Award nominated alto and soprano saxophonist who has performed around the world at such prestigious venues as New York City’s Carnegie Hall,the acclaimed North Sea Jazz Festival in the Netherlands, the InternationalJazz Festival in Lima,Peru, andThe Kennedy Center, in Washington, D.C.


20:00 Early Set

Roksana Quartet

 22:00 Main Set

William Carn/TaraDavidson Septet

6/7&6/19 WED&MON

The Royal Hombres

风格:Blues/ Funk/ Jazz/ Fusion

推荐理由:他们是棉花俱乐部多年来的固定的演出乐队,这次他们将把棉花俱乐部搬到JZ CLUB!

The Royal Hombres乐队从成立到现在已经是上海各音乐酒吧的演出常客,曾是Cotton Club的固定演出乐队。乐队的音乐风格融合了布鲁斯、放克、爵士,十多年的演出经验,现场感染力醉人又醉心。乐队领队是吉他手Greg Smith,他同时也是上海著名音乐酒吧Cotton Club的音乐总监,乐队其他成员包括贝斯手Jorland Paulino、小号手胡丹峰、鼓手FranecscoPerre、副吉他手Eddy Lewis。


TheRoyal Hombres have been a fixture on the Shanghai music scene from thebeginning of time. They have held court at the Cotton Club and their musicreflects an eclectic mix of blues, jazz and funk. The band is led by guitaristGreg Smith, with Jorland Paulino on bass, Franecsco Perre on drums, Hu Dan Fengon trumpet and Eddy Lewis on guitar.  


6.7 20:00 Early Set

Roksana Quartet

6.19 20:00 Early Set

Jacky Trio 

22:00 Main Set

The Royal Hombres

6/14 WED

Lawrence Ku Trio ft. Michael Ning & John Thomas 

风格:JazzStandard/ Modern Jazz

推荐理由:两位《歌手》里的幕后高手现场过招,当今华人爵士乐界最具影响力的音乐家, 教育家之一的顾忠山+全能贝司手甯子達!

华裔美籍吉他演奏家/作曲/编曲/教育家Lawrence Ku(顾忠山)是当今华人爵士乐界最具影响力的音乐家, 教育家之一。他成长在美国加州洛杉磯,曾师从一系列一流国际音乐家:BenMonder, Charlie Banacos, Jerry Bergonzi, George Garzone, George Lewis 和Carol Kaye。在波士顿学习年间,完成了美国Longy School ofMusic与New England Conservatory的作曲和爵士演奏的硕士课程。 1997年,顾忠山开始定居中国,曾在北京迷笛音乐学校和北京现代音乐学院 任教,现在担任上海JZ School音乐学校校长,为爵士乐在中国的普及和推广做 著不懈地努力。




Guitarist/composerLawrence Ku is one of the most influential jazz musicians and educators in China.  Born and raised in Los Angeles,California, Lawrence has made China his home for over ten years. He haspreviously resided in Beijing, where he performed regularly and taught at theMidi School of Music and the Beijing Contemporary Music Institute, and Boston,where he did his graduate work in composition and jazz performance at the LongySchool of Music and the New England Conservatory.   Since late 2005, he has been living in Shanghai and now is the Principal of JZ School.


Asa central part of the diverse and constantly growing music scene in Shanghai,he has performed or recorded with musicians from all over the world, including Shunza, Karen Mok, Jon Legend, Na Yin, JJ Lin, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Laura Fygi,Sinne Eeg, Jon Morrison, David Friesen, Ryan Kisor, David Braid, Alex Riel,Benjamin Koppel, Chris Washburne, Ole Mathisen, Teemu Viinikainen, NiklasWinter, Eugene Pao, Campbell Ryga, Cennet Jonsson, Simon Barker, Andy Hunter…and many others. 


 20:30 Early Set

Brian Hurley 

22:00 Main Set

Lawrence Ku Trio ft. Michael Ning & John Thomas 

6/22 THU 

JZ Piano Night

Ft.Jianyi Huang , Mark Bai,Mang zhu,Joey lu

风格:Jazz Standard/ Modern Jazz


黄健怡,键盘、作曲、编曲,1997年上海音乐学院钢琴系本科毕业后,留校担任管弦系艺术指导老师。2000年考入美国伯克利音乐学院爵士钢琴系,并于音乐家辈出的美国新泽西RUTGERS大学爵士乐演奏研究生班进修,师从传奇爵士钢琴家Stanley Cowell教授。

Huang Jianyi was thefirst person in China to receive a master's degree in jazz piano. After gr aduating from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, he stayed and became the consultant director of the orchestra department. He started studying jazz pianoin 2000 while he was in Berklee College of Music, and also had the chance tostudy further with jazz pianist Stanley Cowell in Rutgers University in NewJersey.


21:30 Main Set

JZ Piano Night 

6/30 FRI


推荐理由:Studio 188的吸粉能力毋容置疑,乐队成员个个能奏会唱,月底想要轻松一下,这必将是最好的选择。

Studio188是在上海驻扎了十年的“多国部队”。他们表演的是属于上海这座新移民城市的灵魂乐、疯克和摇滚乐。因为成员众多,他们的音乐里有澳大利亚的原始生猛、拉丁美洲的精致和激情、欧洲的优雅和理性、东方的神秘,以及不断变幻的异国风情。据说十年前,Studio 188只是一些外国职场人士的业余爱好,而十年来经过上千场的演出和不断的,它已经演完全变成了一支勤奋、技艺熟练、富有激情的专业乐队。 

Studio188 is Shanghai’snumber 1 party band. Performing a wide range of music including soul, funk, disco, pop and rock ‘n’ roll, this eleven-piecepowerhouse has a comprehensive set list that covers music from the last 6 decades. After 11 years on the roadand 650+ shows under their belt, the show isextremely polished and their matching wardrobe and style brings the party alivethe moment they hit the stage. The high-energy, totally danceable, and funloving band Studio 188 are simply, “Soulicious”!


21:00 Early Set

Misha Trio

22:30 Main set 


01:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing



JZ School 春季学期汇报演出 

Spring Semester Performance

2017/6/11 12:00-18:00

