
JZ Club | 一份舒筋活血的11月爵士乐迷菜单

2017-10-31 JZPOST爵士邮报





11月的JZ Club,每天上演一道流动的盛宴




11.1 WED

Bernd Reiter All Stars 

feat.Gary Smulyan

风格:Swing / Jazz


Gary Smulyan是许多乐评人与乐迷人眼中是当代杰出的上低音萨克斯风演奏家,多年蝉联《Downbeat》杂志评选中位列榜首。在他星光熠熠的合作名单里有Freddie Hubbard, Dizzy Gillespie, Stan Getz, Chick Corea, Tito Puente, Ray Charles, B.B. King, Diana Ross等诸位大师。

这组四重奏囊括了两位蜚声国际爵士乐坛的音乐家,钢琴演奏家Oliver Kent多年领衔欧洲爵士乐坛,德国贝司演奏家Martin Zenker是如今爵士乐坛最为活跃的人物之一,曾与Jimmy Cobb, Herb Geller, Billy Hart, James Moody, Steve Grossman, Jim Snidero等人合作。


Gary Smulyan is considered among critics and fans as the outstanding baritone saxophonist in nowadays jazz, since many years he is on top of the “Downbeat Reader and Critic Polls”. In his stellar career he worked with outstanding stars and legends such as Freddie Hubbard, Dizzy Gillespie, Stan Getz, Chick Corea, Tito Puente, Ray Charles, B.B. King, Diana Ross and many more.

This quartet includes two of the most sought-after musicians of the international jazz scene. Pianist Oliver Kent is a main figure on the European jazz scene since many years.The German bassist Martin Zenker is one of the most active musicians in nowadays jazz and has collaborated with jazz giants such as Jimmy Cobb, Herb Geller, Billy Hart, James Moody, Steve Grossman, Jim Snidero, and many more.

This quartet plays energetic and swinging music on the highest level, presented with professionalism and enthusiasm, just “Jazz at its Best”!!! 


Sax: Gary Smulyan

Piano: Oliver Kent

Bass: Martin Zenker

Drums: Bernd Reiter




Ronnie Williams Project


Bernd Reiter All Stars feat. Gary Smulyan

11.5 / 6  SUN / MON 

YuYing Hsu Quintet 

feat. 纽约爵士小号大师 Alex Sipiagin 

中国爵士吉他男神 Lawrence Ku



11 月 5 日及6日在上海 JZ Club,欢迎一同加入许郁瑛的爵士五重奏现场,此次音乐会特别邀请原始录音阵容之爵士小号名家 Alex Sipiagin 与 鼓手 Donald Edward同台,并加入美籍华裔顶尖爵士音乐家 Lawrence Ku与韩国新生代爵士新星 Hogyu Hwang 一同共襄盛举。 

许郁瑛,台湾爵士钢琴家、作曲家。从小受古典音乐薰陶,台湾大学图书资讯学系毕业后即赴纽约深造,于 2009 年底取得美国纽约州立大学钢琴演奏硕士学位,现为全职钢琴演奏家。 2013 年发行 《sentimotional 心情之间》并荣获第四届金音创作奖“最佳乐手奖”及“最佳 爵士单曲奖”双项肯定,此张专辑也入围 2014 年第二十五届金曲奖流行音乐演 奏类“最佳专辑制作人”与“最佳演奏专辑”两个奖项。

Alex Sipiagin,小号演奏家,16 岁时,他在面试中击败50 名竞争对手进入莫斯科音乐研究院,在这里,他一边研修古典音乐一边朝向爵士乐领域。他受邀至Louis Armstrong音乐大赛,赢得了第四名,并从传奇乐手Clark Terry手中接受获赠小号。

华裔美籍吉他演奏家Lawrence Ku顾忠山是当今华人爵士乐界最具影响力的音乐家, 教育家之一。他成长在美国加州洛杉矶,曾师从一系列一流国际音乐家。作为正在蓬勃发展的中国爵士乐界领军人物之一,顾忠山与来自世界各地的众多杰出音乐家都有过密切合作,包含格莱美奖得主、美国爵士名伶Dee Dee Bridgewater, 荷兰爵士天后Laura Fygi, John Legend, Sinne Eeg, Jon Morrison等。

An award-winning Taiwanese jazz pianist and composer, YuYing Hsu has performed in legendary jazz clubs in New York City, such as Birdland, Sweet Rhythm, and with renowned musicians like Albert "Tootie" Heath, Paquito D'Rivera, John Riley, Michael Philip Mossman, Alex Sipiagin, Brian Lynch, Cliff Almond, Jean-François Zygel and the complete violinist Benjamin Schmid. 

Alex Sipiagin was born on June 11, 1967 in Russia, In 1990, Alex won first place in a Russian young jazz players’ competition in Rostov City. He caught the attention and ears of many, and was invited to participate in the International Louis Armstrong Competition sponsored by the Thelonius Monk Institute in Washington D.C.Alex placed 4th in the competition, and was presented a Bach trumpet by the legendary Clark Terry, the trumpet which he still plays to this day. 

Guitarist/composer Lawrence Ku is one of the most influential jazz musicians and educators in China. Born and raised in Los Angeles,California, Lawrence has made China his home for over ten years. He has previously resided in Beijing, where he performed regularly and taught at the Midi School of Music and the Beijing Contemporary Music Institute, and Boston,where he did his graduate work in composition and jazz performance at the LongySchool of Music and the New England Conservatory.Since late 2005, he has been living in Shanghai and now is the Principal of JZ School.


Piano: YuYing Hsu

Trumpet, Flugelhorn: Alex Sipiagin

Guitar: Lawrence Ku

Bass: Hogyu Hwang

Drums: Donald Edwards



DOOR: 150元 


YuYing Hsu Quintet 

feat. 纽约爵士小号大师 Alex Sipiagin 

中国爵士吉他男神 Lawrence Ku


11.7 TUE

巴西爵士乐团 Balaio

风格:Samba/MPB/Latin Jazz/Jazz


乐队2008年由鼓手Leonardo Susi创立。BALAIO原汁原味呈现巴西器乐,集结了世界各地顶尖的巴西音乐家,包括现居香港的钢琴演奏家João Marcos Mascarenhas、纽约的贝司演奏家Sergio Brandão、圣保罗的打击乐演奏家Marco Bosco以及上海的Leonardo Susi。每年他们都会到世界各地进行巡演。他们的音乐会充满了巴西的元素,让你情不自禁置身于亚马逊丛林的花香鸟语中。

Founded in 2008 by the drummer Leonardo Susi, BALAIO is an authentic instrumental Brazilian band composed by the best Brazilian musicians living around the world. The pianist Maestro João Marcos Mascarenhas lives in Hong Kong, the bassist Sergio Brandão lives in New York, the percussionist Marco Bosco lives in São Paulo and the drummer Leonardo Susi lives in Shanghai.

Every year the band get on the road to tour around the globe playing in music festivals in Russia, Hong Kong, Japan, Portugal and France.

BALAIO brings to the concert all the Brazilian elements, such as a unique number from the percussionist Marco Bosco, who reproduces all the Amazon forest’s sounds, playing all the birds sounds, frogs, water falls and so on.


Piano: Maestro João

Bass: Marco Bosco

Drums:Leonardo Susi, Marco Bosco




Juné Koo Trio



11.8 WED


Xinlu Chen Quintet 

Ft. Special Guest Hila Kulik



《辛璐历程 “Terminal 1”》:机场是见证人生百态的一个特殊场所,无数的人们在这里相聚,道别,欢笑,流泪;结束一段人生旅程的同时又开启新的故事篇章。为了追逐音乐梦想,在过去的三年期间陈辛璐往返于上海浦东与纽约肯尼迪机场,专辑中的每一首作品都记载了这些年他在纽约求学的心路历程。

陈辛璐,青年爵士萨克斯手,作曲人;先后毕业于杭州师范大学音乐学院;纽约城市大学艾伦科普兰音乐学院爵士系,获双硕士学位。纽约求学期间师从格莱美奖提名美国爵士萨克斯大师Antonio Hart,Tim Armacost;爵士小号演奏家,格莱美获奖编曲家Michael Mossman;爵士钢琴家David Berkman,Jeb Patton曾带领自己的乐队活跃于纽约的爵士舞台。

来自以色列的钢琴演奏家Hila Kulik, 8岁开始习琴,2010年毕业于耶路撒冷学院,2014年移居纽约学习,2016年获得纽约皇后学院硕士学位。在过去十年间,Hila与无数世界顶尖爵士音乐家有过合作,包括Antonio Hart, Donald Harrison, Achinoam Nini, Michael Varekamp, Bria Skonberg等。演出足迹遍布以色列,巴西,纽约等国际地区,曾参加国际红海爵士音乐节,“Hot Jazz Concerts”:Charlie Parker,Louis Armstrong, Nina Simone 纪念音乐会系列等。

Xinlu Chen, a Chinese jazz saxophonist, composer, 2-master-degree owner who graduated from Conservatory of Hangzhou Normal University, Aaron Copland School of Music(CUNY).Studied with bunch of phenomenal jazz greats based in New York City like Antonio Hart, Tim Armacost. Michael Mossman, David Berkman,Jeb Patton. during her 3 years residency in New York, she leads her band at some jazz venues in NYC.

Israel native Hila Kulik began studying piano at the age of 8 and graduated from Jerusalem Academy in 2010. After playing with many of the top musicians of Israel, Hila arrived in New York in January 2014 and earned a master's degree from the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College in January 2016. During the last decade Hila has performed with leading jazz musicians in Israel and abroad, including international singer Achinoam Nini (Noa), saxophonist Antonio Hart (NY), Donald Harrison (New Orleans), trumpeter Michael Varekamp (Netherlands), trumpeter Bria Skonberg (NYC), singer Pauline Jean (NYC), drummer Shirzette Tinnin (NYC) and others. She has performed in major jazz productions in Israel, including the International Red Sea Jazz Festival in Eilat; the "Hot Jazz Concerts”:Charlie Parker Tribute (2016); Louis Armstrong tribute (2015); Nina Simone Tribute (2014); and others. Currently Hila plays around New York and abroad in jazz clubs, concerts, and special events.


Soprano, Alto sax: Xinlu Chen

Piano: Hila Kulik

Trumpet: 胡丹峰 Hu Danfeng

Bass: Joseph Han

Drums: Jaemin Lee





Juné Koo Trio



Xinlu Chen Quintet Ft. Special Guest Hila Kulik  


11.10 FRI

The JZ Big Band 

Directed by Alec Haavik 

Featuring Frank Bray 

Guest Conductor: Antonio Ximénez

风格:Funk / Swing / Jazz

推荐理由:带你重回Frank Sinatra的大乐队黄金时代

成立于2006年的JZ BIG BAND是目前中国最高水准、最活跃的爵士大乐队集合了国内外的一流爵士乐手乐队曾与Dee Dee Bridgewater、崔健、李泉、顺子、赵可等优秀艺人同台合作曾受邀参演哥本哈根爵士音乐节、历届爵士上海音乐节、上海国际电影节、爵士厦门音乐节以及上海世博会倒计时的演出等等。从经典的摇摆乐、节奏感强烈的放克到热情的拉丁音乐,JZ BIG BAND将爵士的风味更好地在展现乐迷面前乐队融合而丰富的音乐风格以及让人眼花缭乱的个性独奏瞬间带我们回到爵士的黄金时代让我们在最纯粹的演奏中陶醉。大乐队由专注于高音、次中音萨克斯风演奏多年并擅长即兴创作的Alec Haavik引导这位大家熟知的纽约萨克斯风手近年来持续在国内外各大爵士音乐节献艺这位霹雳指挥的现场更是肆意洒脱让观众惊喜连连。11月的这场专场演出大乐队将请来西班牙音乐家 Antonio Ximenez 作为特别嘉宾指挥登场并邀请美国爵士歌手 Frank Bray 摇摆献声

Alec Haavik专注于高音、次中音萨克斯风的演奏多年,擅长即兴创作与爵士风格演出,在美国合作过的对象包括了诸多当今爵士大牌歌手,如Jane Monheit, Ronnie Burrage, Daniel Carter, Taro Koyama, Gregory Hutchinson, Shoko Nagai等。 在美国曼哈顿音乐学院完成他的硕士学位,Alec师从Dick Oatts 和Mark Turner,后者是当今世界爵士乐坛最为人瞩目的爵士萨克斯手之一;同时Alec也曾和Ralph Bowen, Dave Tofani和George Garzone等名家学习。

Frank Bray来自美国俄克拉荷马,六岁开始登台,在德州达拉斯山景城的音乐表演艺术学院接受了专业的训练。Frank拥有丰富的演出经验,经常受邀为世界知名品牌演出,与洛杉矶以及纽约的众多超级乐队合作。现今他居住在上海,事业的中心转向亚洲地区,如今他是歌手、演员、制作人以及导演。

Antonio Ximenez,爵士小号演奏家,擅长拉丁和巴西音乐,富鲁格号、法国号、 长号、 钢琴、 唱歌和爵士乐等即兴创作,三十多年来积累了丰富的音乐经历。曾任JAZZ IMPROVISATION的教师与大乐队指挥。

The JZ Big Band performs everything from swinging classic jazz of Duke Ellingtonand Charlie Mingus, to funk and Latin music, as well their own originalcompositions and world music arrangements. Since 2012, their special performance in JZ Club every Monday has attracted people from everywhere to swing all of the night, just like going back to the golden times.

JZ Music Artist, Shanghai music icon Alec Haavik performs on tenor and soprano sax, painting an interdimensional world of musical explosions. Melding modern jazz, rock, and shamanism, Alec leads a fleet of ensembles known as the “Friction Universe,” questioning the nature of jazz.Alec’s primordial musical soup includes cello at age 5, trombone as a teenager (performing with guest soloist Branford Marsalis), and two recording contracts as an“indie” rock artist. Alec received his Master’s Degree in Jazz Performance at the Manhattan School of Music, where he studied with Dick Oatts and Mark Turner and performed and recorded with schoolmate, Famous Jazz Singer Jane Monheit.

Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Frank Bray first began singing on stage at the age of six. Frank is professionally trained having graduated from the Performing Arts Musical Theatre Conservatory at Mountain View in Dallas Texas. Frank has extensive experience and has worked at some of the most renowned venues in the world as well headlining events for prestigious super brands in both LA and in New York.Now based in Shanghai, Frank is currently focusing on the Asia region, as a singer, actor, producer and director.

Jazz trumpet musician, expert in Latin Jazz, Brasil music, Pop, Rock, Dixieland, etc.Since 1973 and the following ten years, having been learning solfegey French hornincity orchestra ofSan Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid).From 1988 until now playing music or being recorded into videos with different music groups or artists with various styles.






JZ Big Band Conducted by Alec Haavik Ft. Frank


New York Midnight Swing

11.12 SUN

爵仕·李泉 上海专场



毕业于上海音乐学院的李泉,后来又到伯克利音乐学院主修了音乐写作与制作,是第一个荣获美国“Rolling Stone”音乐杂志古典音乐大奖的华人艺术家。四岁开始学习古典钢琴,每天练琴超过八小时,小学便就读于上海音乐学院附小的李泉很早就浸润在古典音乐环境中。随后李泉顺利考入上海音乐学院,主修钢琴、作曲。1995年推出第一张国语专辑《上海梦》后正式进入演艺圈的李泉开始为周冰倩、黄格选、杜德伟等歌手创作歌曲。在其后的职业生涯中,李泉也曾多次为林忆莲、刘德华、林宥嘉等歌手创作歌曲,《我要我们在一起》成功地让小魔女范晓萱转型绝代名伶,而他的单曲《流浪狗》打破了内地歌手25年未获“香港十大中文金曲奖”的纪录。本场演出,“爵仕”李泉也将与其他五位爵士乐手合作,为大家带来独具李泉风格的爵士之夜。


Vocal: 李泉 Li Quan

Piano:黄健怡 Huang Jianyi

Bass:任宇清 Lao Ren

Trumpet: 胡丹峰 Hu Danfeng

Sax: 李世海 Li Shihai

Drums: 安雨 Ryan An





爵仕·李泉 上海专场


Jam Session Hosted by Xiao Jun Quartet


11.14 TUE

Natalie John Quintet



Natalie John是一位爵士歌手,出生于美国加州北部。她拥有丰厚的音乐底蕴,同时创作拥有自己独特风格的音乐。她的乐队由几位志同道合的音乐家组成,通过复杂的和声与抓人的旋律讲述情感经历里的起伏。2015年,她发行了自己的同名专辑。

如今,她的巡演足迹已经遍布世界多国:奥地利、德国、韩国、墨西哥、秘鲁、蒙古以及印度。追求演艺事业的同时,她往返于南加大于纽约New School学习,并于2008年毕业。2005年,她荣获John Coltrane Scholarship以及《Downbeat》杂志颁发的大学生爵士人声奖项。

Natalie John is a jazz singer who sings with a deep knowledge of the roots of the musical tradition, and composes with open ears and broad brush strokes to create a style all her own. Through different semblances of her quartet she brings together like-minded musicians who employ a vibrant approach to contemporary jazz as they seamlessly weave complex harmonies and rhythms with catchy backbeats and heartbreaking melodies to portray stories of lost loves and new beginnings.  Her latest independent album was released into the world in January of 2015, and is simply self-titled, Natalie John.

A native of Northern California, Natalie is a world traveller and long time past resident of Brooklyn, NY.  So far, her voice has taken her to Austria, Germany, South Korea, Mexico, Peru, Mongolia, and India. Natalie split her time pursuing an undergraduate music degree between the University of Southern California (studying under Tierney Sutton and Shelly Berg) and the New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music (studying under Rachel Z and Kate McGarry), where she graduated in 2008.  Awards and accolades include the 2005 John Coltrane Scholarship for Jazz Vocals, and the 2006 Downbeat Award for College Vocalist.




Brenda Ohana Vibra-harp Quartet


Natalie John Quintet

11.15 / 16  WED / THU

Lao Tizer Quintet 

Ft. Eric Marienthal , Chieli Minucci ,

Gene Coye & Tinho Pereira 



融合了爵士乐、摇滚、古典音乐、Jamband影响和古巴非洲以及世界节拍,TIZER乐团-一个由美国科罗拉多州著名键盘手与作曲家Lao Tizer带领的多文化背景乐队最新推出的一张录音室专辑Downbeat,包含了12首充满动感的原创音乐。Lao Tizer为过去数年来在国际乐坛上极速冒起的耀眼新星,他的风格融合了当代爵士乐与70-80年代融合音乐(Fusion)大团Return To Forever与Mahavishnu Orchestra和Weather Report(天气报告)。为世界融合风(World Fusion)的音乐重新拟定了新的标准。2002年Lao Tizer被提名为最佳爵士新人,专辑Diversify在公告牌(Billboard)当代爵士类别上榜数周之久,乐队的多类型跨界风格还让他们可以与世界知名的不同风格乐团与音乐家演出。

Driven by an explosive mix of jazz, rock, classical , jam band influences and Afro Cuban and world rhythms, Downbeat—the first studio album by TIZER, a multi-cultural band led by Boulder, CO native, keyboardist/composer Lao Tizer—throws down a high powered collection of 12 brand-new originals on this scintillating release of fresh instrumental music from one of today’s rising stars of the world-fusion genre. Establishing themselves in the contemporary jazz world over the past few years, TIZER has spurred comparisons of a modern twist to the 70s and early 80s heyday of jazz fusion.

Over the past few years, TIZER—a 2011 nominee for “Jazz Group of the Year”--has taken their multi-faceted world fusion vibe around the globe.Downbeat marks the first time that Lao has co-produced one of his albums. Loving the big sound of the band and all the intricacies it has in the live setting inspired his simple concept when it came time to write and record the album. “Producing and mixing with Jeff, my goal was to give listeners a taste of the energy TIZER creates in the live setting, so most of the recording was done live in the studio,” he says. “While no solo on disc can capture what happens onstage, we wanted Downbeatto have the same blend and balance via strong, detailed arrangements and studio production. It all starts with a completely live rhythm section—drums, bass, percussion, keys—and that translates to an organic foundation to build from.”    


Keys: Lao Tizer

Sax: Eric Marienthal 

Guitar: Chieli Minucci 

Bass: Tinho Pereira

Drums: Gene Coye





Lao Tizer Quintet Ft. Eric Marienthal , 

Chieli Minucci , Gene Coye & Tinho Pereira 


11.20 MON

欧洲爵士乐团 A E R I E



A E R I E是由萨克斯风演奏家Ingo Hipp领衔的五重奏乐队。Ingo生于德国,过去十年定居瑞士。他2013年成立了乐队,至今已在欧洲巡演了50场。尽管乐队的乐器是典型的五重奏规制——萨克斯风、吉他、贝司、鼓,乐队致力于跳脱当代爵士的窠臼,从乐器的功能以及编曲上追求新元素。


A E R I E is a quintet lead by saxophonist Ingo Hipp - born in Germany but living in Switzerland for the last 10 years. He founded the band in 2013 and they have since played over 50 concerts all around Europe. 

Although the instrumentation is that of a typical jazz quintet - saxophones, guitar, bass and drums - the group strive to avoid the clichés of modern jazz, always searching for a fresh take on forms and structures as well as instrumental functionality. 

It is lively in the *aerie so expect the unexpected: crazy flights, elegant sails, diligent hunting, always checking for limits. A E R I E creates exciting modern jazz, connecting written material and improvisation with rock and jazz grooves. Structures are expanded and dismantled, then reconstructed in a fresh way.


Sax:Ingo Hipp (DE) 

Sax:Sam Comerford (IRL) 

Guitar:Laurent Méteau (CH) 

Bass:David Helm (DE) 

Drums:Matthew Jacobson (IRL) 




Antonio Ximénez Quartet


欧洲爵士乐团 Aerie

11.25 SAT


Red Groove Project



红节奏”,一看名字就让人联想到节奏被火焰燃烧而沸腾脚步就要跃跃欲试紧跟着火苗跳动起来。乐队最早组建于2004年的北京那时刚从美国来中国不久的吉他手、作曲家顾忠山和身边的音乐好友组建了乐队阵容包括管乐部和节奏部经过十多年的磨练成为中国最受欢迎的顶尖爵士放克大乐队。红节奏的作品跨越疯克、摇滚、流行、灵歌、爵士有时更是流露出美国南方音乐的各样节奏让听者不仅摇摆身体也释放心灵。乐队成员均为上海摇滚乐坛中最顶尖的音乐家分别来自中国、美国、澳大利亚和巴西不同的音乐背景让乐队的音乐有一种融合的国际性。红节奏的录音室专辑《Flow 浮》与《Proper Up!正》分别获得两届台湾金曲奖提名荣誉。乐队在数届爵士上海音乐节及西湖音乐节、东海音乐节、长沙音乐节、澳门国际音乐节、MIDI国际爵士节等活动吸引了无数热情的观众惊艳全场而他们与华语歌后顺子的长期合作更是令乐迷们称赞。




John Thomas Quartet Ft.Lawrence Ku



Red Groove Project


New York Midnight Swing

11.30 THU


Grzegorz Karnas Formula Band



Grzegorz Karnas生于波兰上西里西亚。中学时,在音乐学校读过一年的古典吉他课程,后毕业于卡托维兹音乐学校爵士音乐系,这是一所被认为是波兰及周边国家中最富盛名的音乐学校。1998年,他在波兰历史最悠久、且最具声望的国际爵士歌手竞赛中获一等奖。 次年,他发表了他的首张专辑 《Reinkarnasja》,并在波兰和斯洛伐克进行了巡回演出。2004年夏天,他发行了原创专辑《Sny-Dreams of a Ninth Floor》,并在波兰、斯洛伐克、捷克、德国、罗马尼亚参与了一系列的俱乐部酒吧及音乐节演出。 2006年,卡纳斯在比利时获得青年爵士歌手竞赛一等奖。2007年8月,他在法国赢得了国际山顶爵士声乐比赛。与此同时,他在他的家乡residence-Żory主办了他自己的国际音乐节:Voicingers。

Grzegorz Karnas ,born in Upper Silesia, Poland, to a family devoid of musical traditions, finished one year of classical guitar at the secondary music school. Graduate of the Jazz Institute of the Academy of Music in Katowice, considered the most prestigious in Poland and many neighboring countries.

Karnas has always worked with top-line young artists of Poland's jazz scene as well as its legends. In 1998, he was awarded first prize at the oldest and most prestigious Poland’s International Jazz Vocalists competition. The following year, his debut album "Reinkarnasja" was released and put Karnas on the road touring in Poland and Slovakia. In 2006 Karnas was awarded first prize at Young Jazz Singers Competition in Belgium. In August 2007 he was a winner of international CREST JAZZ VOCAL competition in France. In the meantime he organized his own international festival in his city of residence-Żory called Voicingers which focuses on promotion of young jazz singers from all around the world. 


Vocal:Grzegorz Karnas
Sax:Radek Nowicki
Double Bass : Alan Wykpisz
Drums:Grzegorz Masłowski







Grzegorz Karnas Formula Band



直播平台 |  喜马拉雅FM

主播 |  爵士大叔 (每周二有主播)


每周二 21:00-22:30趣味解说



周三至周一 21:00-深夜



