MARTHE由希腊萨克斯手Alexis Moutzouris和法国小号手Florent Briqué 在一次碰面后创立。
他们想要构建一个独特的音乐宇宙来探索爵士、摇滚和即兴演奏,之后加入贝斯手 Lucas Territo和鼓手Damien Bernard,形成目前的四重奏阵容,并发行专辑《DIAPHONIE》。
Marthe is a music group founded after an atypical meeting between Alexis Moutzouris grec saxophone player and Florent Briqué french trumpet player. Together they decided to built a singular musical universe exploring jazz, rock and improvisation. Lucas Territo on bass and Damien Bernard on drums are the two last members of the band.
摇滚的力量,爵士即兴的能量,现代的创作手法,伴随希腊传统声乐,MARTHE 呈现出独特别致的当代审美。
专辑中还特邀法国著名歌手Thomas de Pourquery与美国Rap歌手Mike Ladd 助阵。
The rock power, the energy of jazz improvisation, the modern writing style along with a touch of Grec traditional sound create a decidedly contemporary aesthetic. Incredible melody written by Alexis will offer you a wonderfull journey to Grece.
The frst Album Diaphonie feature Famous french Singer Thomas de Pourquery, Geofrey Grangé and American Rap singer Mike Ladd.
6.10 MON
M A R T H E 四重奏
阵容 Line-up
Saxophone:Alexis Moutzouris
Trumpet:Florent Briqué
Bass:Lucas Territo
Drums:Damien Bernard
时间 Time
2019年6月10日 周一
Jun. 10th, Mon.
9:00 PM
票价 Ticket Price
地点 Venue
JZ Club上海
No. 158 Julu Rd., Huangpu District
订座 Reservation
021-53098221 / 64310269
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