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这是一场非常令人难忘的演出,音乐非常紧凑、复杂、富有想象力,速度变化充满惊喜。精彩绝伦的即兴表演瞬间变成重型的摇滚乐,强劲的鼓手推动着音乐的前进… Herer对Rhodes的运用充满新意,在第一节中非常出色。

- London Jazz News, 2015

OXYD的音乐逐渐从酷变成了自由,但相比较Sonic Youth,他们的风格更像Steve Coleman。

- Denis Zorgniotti, 2013


- Jazz Magazine, 2009

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OXYD - Great Auk (2019)

视频里的歌曲叫作Great Auk, 来自OXYD乐队的新专辑《消失的动物》。专辑里每首歌的名字取自一种消失的动物,而这些动物的消失,与人类有关。

(Great Auk又名Pinguins Impennis, 中文“大海雀”,是一种不会飞的鸟类,于19世纪中期灭绝。大海雀与企鹅并无直接亲缘关系,只是由于后来企鹅被发现时,因形似大海雀,故被发现它的水手们命名为与大海雀接近的单词Penguins)。

法国前卫爵士乐队OXYD来自巴黎,成立于2006年。乐队深受现代爵士音乐人Jim Black、Steve Coleman、John Hollenbeck、Marc Ducret等的影响,也从Alas No Axis、Kneebody、Radiohead及Sonic Youth等乐队中汲取了养分。OXYD一直致力于个人灵感的发掘,也在欧美爵士乐的启发下创作出大量的原创素材,同时也受到摇滚乐、流行音乐、自由爵士和当代音乐的影响。

键盘手兼作曲的Alexandre Herer是乐队的领衔人物,他善于用多变的音色和音效营造出复古而写实的音乐氛围;小号手Olivier Laisney和次中音萨克斯手Julien Pontvianne负责引导乐队的旋律和即兴演奏,担任乐队的重要先锋;电贝斯手Oliver Degabriele和鼓手Julien Chamla则为乐队提供高质量的节奏基础。

在他们的第四张专辑《Long Now》中,OXYD致敬了Nirvana, 这支对他们有着深远影响的乐队。这张专辑里,他们把很多Nirvana的元素充分调动了起来:如曲调结构、声音实验、氛围效果以及摇滚的能量... OXYD以一种自由的方式把Nirvana乐队的音乐素材加以利用,加上他们自己的元素,创造出了一种全新的个人音乐。这不仅仅是单纯的致敬,更是一种“重写”。

凭借十年来的合作以及共同的音乐探索,新专辑则更加关注原创作品。乐队每个成员都用自己音乐生涯所得的经验滋养着这张专辑:在与著名长笛演奏家Magic Malik演奏的过程中,Alexandre Herer和Olivier Laisney培养出了概念式创作的品味和技巧。Julien Pontvianne通过自己的乐队AUM Grand Ensemble继续着他对当代古典音乐的探索。

极简主义“大音无声”指引着Alexandre Herer在音乐IT和微音调方面进一步的研究和实验;Julien Chamla对更多的流行音乐和电子音乐进行了探索;而Oliver Degabriele则已经成功地在欧洲摇滚舞台上给观众留下了一个潇洒的贝司手形象。

在过去的十年里,他们在法国、欧洲、美国、印度和中国进行了150多场演出:2013年,OXYD以 "Plasticity" 为主题在中国的6个城市进行了巡演;2016年,为了庆祝乐队成立10周年,并基于他们对中国进一步探索的希望,OXYD走过了全国8个城市,演出了他们由Nirvana激发所创作的专辑 《Long Now》;2018年,乐队第三次来到中国,参加了DDL厂牌精心策划的9场演出。不久之后,他们又在印度进行了7场表演,淋漓尽致地分享着他们对音乐的热爱...

OXYD在世界范围内继续着他们国际化的艺术抱负,因此,今年我们将迎来他们的第4次中国巡演,随后他们将前往日本,继续他们的亚洲巡演。此次中国之行,他们的行程将主要在爵士音乐节期间。乐队希望通过讨论会或大师班的形式与观众 (无论是音乐家还是非音乐家) 进行更多的交流和分享。

English Ver.

Great Auk is from the brand new alum of OXYD called “The Lost Animals”. All the titles are some names of animals who disappeared because of humans. The Great Auk (Pinguinus Impennis) is a species of flightless alcid that became extinct in the mid-19th century. It is not closely related to the birds now known as penguins, which were discovered later and so named by sailors because of their physical resemblance to the Great Auk.

Founded in Paris, OXYD have devoted themselves in progressive jazz since 2006. Influenced by Jim Black, Steve Coleman, John Hollenbeck and Marc Ducret with modern jazz, also inspired by bands like Alas No Axis, Kneebody, Radiohead and Sonic Youth. OXYD worked on personal and original materials inspired by European and American jazz music, but also with influences of rock, pop, free jazz and contemporary music.

Alexandre Herer, as the Keyboard player/composer, and also the leader of the band, works excellently on building a retro and realistic atmosphere with polytropic timbres and effects. Trumpet player Olivier Laisney, and Julien Pontvianne the Tenor Saxophone player work together as the vanguards of the band, to lead the melody and improvised performances. Electric bass player Oliver Degabriele and Julien Chamla the drummer provide high quality supports for the rhythms. 

For their 4th album, the band worked on the repertoire of one of their influences: Nirvana. In their music, a lot of elements can be used, like structures of the tunes, sound experimentations, effects, rock energy... The band used these elements of Nirvana’s music in a free way, with their own elements to create a real new personal music. More than a cover project, this was a real “re-writing” action.

The new album will re-focus on original compositions, drawing on ten years of collaboration as well as experiences of other approaches through other ventures. Each member with his specific musical journey will nourish this album. Alexandre Herer and Olivier Laisney developed a taste and a skill for conceptual writing, during the performances by working alongside with renown flute player Magic Malik. Julien Pontvianne continued exploring further contemporary classical music that he developed with his band AUM Grand Ensemble. 

Command of minimalism and silence leading Alexandre Herer to pursue further research and experimentations in musical IT and micro-tones. Julien Chamla ventured in more pop and electro regions while Oliver Degabriele remains a sough-after bass player on the European rock scene. 

Over the course of the last decade, they performed more than 150 concerts across France, Europe, United States, India and China. In 2013, Oxyd toured China with the "Plasticity" repertoire for 6 cities. To celebrate their 10th anniversary, the band wished to continue exploring China and toured 8 dates throughout the whole country and played their album “Long Now” inspired by Nirvana in 2016. In 2018, the band returned in China for 9 concerts organised by DDL. Soon after they landed in India for 7 performances to share their love of music...

The band pursue their international development and therefore there’s the 4th tour in China this year which will be followed by performances in Japan. The touring period was chosen to fall during major jazz festivals. For this new series of performances, the band wishes to exchange and share more with the audience (musicians or not) whether through conferences or master classes.

11.2 SAT




Alexandre Herer - Fender Rhodes

Julien Pontvianne - Tenor Saxophone

Olivier Laisney - Trumpet

Thibault Perriard - Drums

Oliver Degabriele - Electric Bass

Pierre Favrez - Sound Engineer

 时间 Time 

2019年11月2日 周六

Nov. 2nd, Sat.


 票价 Ticket Price 



【 购 票 】

 地点 Venue 

Wooden Box


No.9 Qinghai RD, near West Nanjing RD

 电话 TEL 

021-52132965 / 18217681516




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