

2014-10-20 英语环球ChinaPlus

北京时间10月17日上午,亚洲协会(Asia Society)在纽约联合国总部揭晓了首届“创变者(Asia Game Changer of the Year)”获奖名单并举办颁奖典礼,马云作为唯一的中国企业家代表,位列首届“创变者”名单榜首。(点击阅读原文,听取完整演讲)

Asia Society

Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context.

Asia Game Changer of the Year

Launched by the Asia Society in 2014, the Asia Game Changer Awards are designed to fill a vital gap, identifying and honoring true leaders making a positive contribution to the future of Asia.

Ma and Zhang Minxuan(张民选,下图中间), a professor at Shanghai Normal University, were the two Chinese honorees among 13 named on Tuesday as recipients of the organization's first Asia Game Changer Awards, which recognize those who have made a positive difference for Asia and the world.


"I never thought that I would have a chance in my life to be at the United Nations," Ma said, who recounted his company's rise from humble beginnings (it once took him five months, he said, to borrow 500 dollars). "Small is beautiful, small is powerful," Ma told the audience, adding that he was there to represent "all the small guys."


Drawing on his early years as a teacher, Ma said that that as an educator, "You believe knowledge will change people's lives," and explained that for him, the title CEO is an acronym for "Chief Education Officer" of his company.


Ma's remarks included a call to independence and nonconformity.

When everyone says yes,wait for one minute. When everyone says no, wait for one minute.

Think about it carefully. If you look at the world in a different way, you might do in a different way.

In closing, Ma revealed what he called the "secret code" of Alibaba:

Keep your dream alive, because it might come true one day.


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