

2016-12-05 Viola 英语环球NEWSPlus











Huang Demin, a farmer in Central China’s Hunan province, has built a 3-meter-tall wooden diving platform close to his pigsty in Ningxiang county so his livestock can dive on a daily basis.

According to Huang, diving helps pigs improve their immunity against disease and improves the quality of the pork.

Huang also has an economic motivation — he sells the pork from his diving pigs at three times the price of normal pigs at market. His handmade platform is also now a tourist attraction.











英语环球的RoundTable 栏目进行了讨论,甚至升华到友谊的高度呢!快来听听吧!

Ryan:  Would you like your bacon, to be even tastier? Maybe it’s time you tell your local farmers to give their pigs an exercise regiment. According to one pig farmer in China, this will make that piggy taste even better and might earn you some extra cash. Guys what’s going on?

Bob: Now tell me, what is the difference between this story and the last story?

R: Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon..

B: No, this essentially is the same thing. Because what you are doing is... OK, using exercises, using sport, to actually create a better product, that's what we...

R: Bacon.

B: That's what we to...Bacon, OK. Would you like your bacon, to be even tastier? Right! So, this is about farmer who is that... Now I am perfectly qualified to talk about this, because I have brought up pigs. So I could... I know what's what when I come to pigs.

R: Then do share. OK, did you exercise these pigs and is it ethically right??

B: No, but um...no, there we go. That's what we gonna talk about. A farmer, in Hunan Province, who every day decided OK, I'm going to take the pigs, make them all climb a ramp, get to the top of tower and then, push them off, and then they plunge down, with fear in their eyes, and then splash and they think, I don't know how to swim, and then they splash about a bit and come out. 

R: So they do know how to swim.

B: Well, yeah, everybody knows how to swim...

Niuniu: At the end of the day, they know how to swim...

B: ...If you get pushed in. So then, OK, they apperently do 3 meters. 

R: That's impressive.

B: It's more than I can do. And, they fish them out, and they're, you know, they towel them off. And, so yeah, you know a healthy pig. And because of that...Because of that, this, the farmer against better prizes when he...

R: This his mouth water while this process is going on.

B: Well, no, I think it's, he is thinking about his bank balance because he gets more money for the pigs. That's happy and healthy and it is good for their immune system, etc. So, um, and they grow faster as well. So, probably because they want to run away, to be honest.

N: Yeah~

R: Well, they’re getting an exercise still.

B: Lovely exercises.

N: Yeah, and also netizens are giving all different kind of comments. Someone is saying 'I already want to eat them,' feels like the meat is gonna be very delicious. And someone is saying 'Life is hard for everyone. Even pigs need to learn to dive.' And someone actually even saying 'No wonder the Chinese diving team are unbeatable, even pigs in the country are able to do that.' It just getting…

B: Yeah, but think of you….. imagine yourself is a little pig, you know, and you know, it's a lovely sunny day, going for swim, you know everything is great.

R: You being pushed off and you being force to go.

B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was making it sound worse than it was it was. But, then at the end of that, after about three or four months, they thought that I come to swim. No, come with this way, you know, say goodbye to your friends,

N: Oh, don’t say that.

B: Well, that’s what it comes down. I’m not a vegetarian, I have to say no. But, you know, we have to be realistic about this thing, I suppose?

R: I guess yes. I see here guys a very fundamental ethical dilemma. Here money, money being made from exercising a pig, but the ethical decision of is this right to play with them, play with your food in words but also maybe the pig isn’t enjoying this.

N: Maybe they are.

R: Pigs want to meant swim, Bob.

B: No, but I, I would prefer these animals to be happy. I think this is what it comes down too, but we know what’s going to happen to them, in the end. You do know, don’t you, Ryan?

R: No, don’t tell me, Bob.

N: I agree about this like you can play, play music to them, you can talk to them, spend time with them individually once a while. But push, push them into the water…meh…

R: Guys you can winme over here, though. Do you think it make them taste better?

B: It willdo, because if they’re happy, and healthier, and their immune system is better, and they’re stronger, and that’s gonna make better meat. So, yes, they will taste better in the end. I would prefer the cows enjoy some classic music. I would like the chickens to watch a really good feature film. I would like the, the cows I don’t know what they watch. I would like the pigs to be synchronize swimming. You know, gain new skills and have a happy time.

R: I would like to point out, that before we talked about this topic. Me and Niu Honglin, had made a bet here because Bob loves to name animals. Thank goodness he didn’t for the piggy’s that we so enjoy, but yes anyways, Bob you didn’t name any of these pigs, thanks for that…

B: I was going to call them Pinky and Purky. I have the names written down.

N: Oh, really, oh, so close.

B: I thought no. I don’t want you to laugh at me. 

R: My “two cents” you guys, and what I will say, in how I feel about this is, pigs that are meant to be eaten if I’m just gonna put that out of there,in the US, they just sit in cage their whole life. It sounds like an awful existence. Here, we seeing pigs, hang out with other pigs, go jump in the local pig pool, get some shade, you know, that doesn’t sound too bad and a happy life, happy bacon.

N: And I feel like if you can be a little more tender to it, try to make surethat they are not  really that scared, give them a little time before you push them there, just…

R: Push them off.

N: Yeah, give them, prepare them mentally a little bit, it will be better.

B: No, totally, I mean obviouslyI’m attached  to my little friends, Pinky and Purky.

R: Are they really your friends ? You eat them later? Am I your friend?

N: Don’t be  friend, Ryan.

B: Yes, they are my friends. But I think…I totally agree with Niu Honglin. I want them to be happy. I want them to have had a fabulous life. Because what’s next is not gonna be particularly happy. There is no way of saying this nicely, either.

Pigs might fly if they had wings.





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