
WeChat ID NEWSPlus Intro 中国国际广播电台英语环球广播。这里有24小时的英语广播、新鲜有趣的英文资讯和丰富多彩的互动活动。听广播,学英语,知世界!欢迎和我们做朋友!新浪微博:@英语环球广播 Learning is fun. Fun is learning. 昨天我们学习了 忽悠人的红鲱鱼 Red herring (错过的朋友请点击回听) 今天短语乍听上去有些血腥 to cut one's nose to spite one's face 有志提高英文的小伙伴们 千万不要错过 收 听 节 目  Definition: To try and get fix a situation by doing yourself more harm than anyone else. Etymology: The phrase is known to have been used in the 12th century. It may be associated with the numerous legends of pious women disfiguring themselves in order to protect their virginity (disputed). 在这里,spite 做动词,意思是 (故意做坏事来)伤害,激怒。 If you do something cruel to spite someone, you do it in order to hurt or upset them. 所以,to cut one's nose to spite one's face 意思就是用伤害自己的方式来解决已有的问题,真是得不偿失。 现在插播广告: 《“朗读者联盟”向你发出了邀请》 4月23日—5月23日 英语环球发起的 英语朗读活动正在进行中…… A Women tend to go on shopping sprees when they are not happy. But that is exactly cutting your nose to spite your face. 女同胞们一生气就去购物,但我认为这就是自残行为。 B Him killing his rival and being sentenced to death is like cutting your nose to spite your face. 杀死情敌后入狱是自残行为。 C India removing all 500 and 1000 rupee notes is a prime example of cutting your nose to spite your face. (这条留给你来翻) 点击文末 “阅 读 原 文” 进入蜻蜓收听页 方便您反复收听,任意回放 Language Cafe 由国际台首席英文主播、金话筒奖得主、资深英语教师曼玲与外籍主持人精心挑选地道英文表达,以轻松愉快的聊天形式让听众过耳不失,学以致用。 Carefully picked by Manling, A prime broadcaster for CRI's English service, also a seasoned English teacher, and her native English co-host, these authentic words and expressions are presented to listeners with empowered vocal images. Walk through our show,and they will be yours!    Language Cafe可在以下平台收听: 广播频道    北京AM846 广播频道    北京AM1008 微信关注    LanguageCafe英语咖啡屋  微信关注    英语环球NEWSPlus 蜻蜓、苹果播客、荔枝FM、国航航班 Language Cafe  Learning is fun. Fun is learning      LanguageCafe英语咖啡屋 Reward 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

