【Language Cafe】不靠谱的大炮

2017-05-09 英语咖啡屋 英语环球NEWSPlus 英语环球NEWSPlus

Learning is fun. Fun is learning.


On the rocks




Loose cannon


千万不要错过 收 听 节 目 

Definition: Somebody whose activities are uncommon and out of control, an uncontrolled person who can cause unintentional damage. Someone who behaves in an unexpected and uncontrolled way and is liable to cause problems.

Origin: The phrase refers to cannons carried by wooden warships in the 17th to 19th century as their primary weapons. In order to avoid the enormous recoil when fired, these cannons were mounted on rollers and secured with ropes. A cannon that was not thus restrained was called a loose cannon and was considered dangerous.


loose 是松散的意思,而 cannon 是指大炮。Loose cannon 的来历是几百年前当人们在海上作战时,他们往往在船上放好些大炮,每一座大炮放在一个带四个轮子的平台上。在战争间隙的时候,船员们用很粗的绳子把这些大炮拴住,不让它们随便移动。可是,当风暴来临,这些绳子在风浪的冲击下断了以后,大炮就会在甲板上到处滚动,会把那些不幸就在大炮旁边的船员轧死,这比真正的敌人还要危险。

现在,人们用 loose cannon 来指”一个失去控制、无视权威、打破常轨的人”,这种人往往会伤害和他自己站在一边的人。例如,有些美国政府官员在重大问题上擅自采取行动,也不向总统汇报。国会议员就把这些人称为 loose cannon。


Yes, he made a big mistake this time. But please trust me, he has never been considered 'loose cannon' by his colleagues.



I am scared of having to work with loose cannons. They are so unpredictable.



I don't want give the impression that I am a loose cannon, but I don't think I'll plan anything from now on.


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Language Cafe 由国际台首席英文主播、金话筒奖得主、资深英语教师曼玲与外籍主持人精心挑选地道英文表达,以轻松愉快的聊天形式让听众过耳不失,学以致用。

Carefully picked by Manling, A prime broadcaster for CRI's English service, also a seasoned English teacher, and her native English co-host, these authentic words and expressions are presented to listeners with empowered vocal images. Walk through our show,and they will be yours!  

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Learning is fun. Fun is learning