

2017-10-02 英语环球 英语环球ChinaPlus









孩子:emmm…… (一脸懵)





相  敬  如  宾

Treat Each Other With Respect


More than 2000 years ago, During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a high-ranking official in the State of Jin. He once saw a farmer working in the field whose wife was bringing lunch to him in a very respectful manner.

The farmer thanked his wife in a very respectful manner too.

The official was curious about the couple, since this was rarely seen, especially in the rural area; he walked forward and said to the farmer:

"Young man, who are you?"

The farmer replied with proud humility.

"I'm nobody, sir. Just a farmer as can you see."

"You're such a modest gentleman. I bet you were born into a wealthy intellectual family."

"That's not the case at all. To tell you the truth, my father used to be an official in the State of Jin. He committed a crime and was killed. "

When the young man said this, he did so in a very peaceful manner.

The official was touched by his demeanor. Then the farmer's wife said, 

"My husband is a real gentleman. He has clarity of mind and never changes his manner due to the ups and downs in his life, that's why I'll always respect him. He deserves it."

It moved the official that the couple treated each other with the respect that they would give a guest.

He took the farmer back to the King of Jin and recommended him for an official post.

The king countered,

"His father is guilty. Is it wise to do so?"

The official said,

"Respect is a demonstration of virtue. If one is respectful, he must be virtuous; we should educate our people with virtue. You can make good use of his strong points."

At last, the King took his advice and put the farmer in an important position.

Later, the idiom 相敬如宾(xiang jing ru bin) came to be "A couple that treats each other with respect, as if they were each other's guests."




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