
Language Cafe: 打死马?

2017-11-20 英语咖啡屋 英语环球ChinaPlus

温 故 

Run out of steam

Let off steam

Get steamed up

知 新

Beat a dead horse


千万不要错过 收 听 节 目

DefinitionTo bring up an issue that has already been concluded; something that's considered to be pointless.

Origin: This phrase may originate with horse racing, where horses are sometimes "beaten" by their riders to get them moving faster. If the horses were dead, then there wouldn't really be much of a point in beating them. Thus, the pointlessness of beating a dead horse would eventually go on to apply to other things.

Some scholars claim that the phrase originated in 17th-century slang, where a "dead horse" was work that was paid for in advance, e.g. "His land 'twas sold to pay his debts; All went that way, for a dead horse, as one would say. "This attribution confuses "flogging a dead horse" with an entirely different phrase: "to work (for) the dead horse". Most men paid in advance apparently either wasted the money on drink or other such vices, or used it to pay outstanding debts.


I have given up making the students talk! It's like beating dead horse.



You are beating a dead horse. The couple says their marriage is over and there is no way you can bring them back to each other again.



I don't want to beat a dead horse but I think we should bring this issue up again.。


Language Cafe 由国际台首席英文主播、金话筒奖得主、资深英语教师曼玲与外籍主持人精心挑选地道英文表达,以轻松愉快的聊天形式让听众过耳不失,学以致用。

Carefully picked by Manling, A prime broadcaster for CRI's English service, also a seasoned English teacher, and her native English co-host, these authentic words and expressions are presented to listeners with empowered vocal images. Walk through our show,and they will be yours!

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