

2017-12-08 英语环球 英语环球ChinaPlus

Netflix 官宣:《纸牌屋》第六季的制作将启动,凯文•史派西彻底出局,“第一夫人”罗宾•怀特上位成为主演。


Production is resuming next year on the sixth and final season of "House of Cards."

Taping of the political drama was halted in October amid sexual misconduct allegations against star Kevin Spacey.

The eight-episode season will focus on co-star Robin Wright. No release date has been announced.




Actor Anthony Rapp has alleged that Kevin Spacey made sexual advances on him decades ago. Rapp was 14 when he attended a party at Spacey's apartment in 1986. 

Spacey said on Twitter that he is "beyond horrified" and that he doesn't remember the encounter, but apologized for what he said would have been "inappropriate drunken behavior."



After Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual assault by Anthony Rapp who claims he was a minor at the time of the alleged incident, production on the sixth season of "House of Cards" has been halted.

"Netflix will not be involved with any further production of House of Cards that includes Kevin Spacey," said a rep for the network in a statement.



Sony Pictures is pulling the film "All the Money in the World" from the AFI Fest following the sexual misconduct allegations made against co-star Kevin Spacey.

In a statement, Sony's TriStar Pictures said it was withdrawing the film because "it would be inappropriate to celebrate a gala at this difficult time." 





四  面  楚  歌

Songs from Chu on All four sides-
Find oneself completely besieged

After the downfall of the Qin Dynasty in 206 BC, Xiang Yu, the leader of an uprising force, proclaimed himself the Overlord of Western Chu and granted the title of Prince of Han to Liu Bang, the leader of another uprising force. But Liu Bang fought with Xiang Yu for five years to contend for the throne. Through years of rivalry, Liu Bang gained the upper hand militarily and received support from other dukes and princes. 

In 202 BC, Liu Bang, in cooperation with other forces, took advantage of Xiang Yu's march to Pengcheng which is today's Xuzhou in East China's Jiangsu Province, and launched fierce attacks on Xiang Yu. They surrounded Xiang Yu completely at Gaixia in what is today's Anhui province. Liu Bang had a powerful army with abundant supplies while Xiang Yu had much fewer soldiers and was running out of provisions. 

What's more, Liu Bang had his soldiers sing songs from Chu to shake the morale of Xiang Yu's troops. When the night fell, Xiang Yu was surprised to hear the enemy soldiers singing Chu Songs. Xiang Yu murmured to himself.

"Is it true that Liu Bang has occupied Chu territory already? Why are there so many Chu soldiers in his army?"

He rose from his bed and drank wine to distract himself. He sang together with his favorite concubine and bid farewell to her. 

That very night Xiang Yu broke through the enemy encirclement with eight hundred cavalrymen. Noticing this at daybreak, Liu Bang immediately sent troops in pursuit of them. Finally, Xiang Yu was cornered alone at Wujiang and committed suicide. 

From that story came the idiom Si Mian Chu Ge 四面楚歌 to describe a very difficult, dangerous or desperate situation. When someone is utterly isolated or is cornered, we can say he is in a situation of Si Mian Chu Ge四面楚歌. 四 means four, 面 means side, 楚 is the name of a region, 歌 means song. When you are surrounded by your enemies on four sides, it's like saying "you have the whole world against you."


没有了 President Underwood,这部热门剧集该如何合理完结?





铁杵成针 熟能生巧 司马光砸缸 

塞翁失马 相敬如宾 高山流水 

以讹传讹 爱屋及乌 沉鱼落雁 

闭月羞花 三顾茅庐 乐不思蜀

乘风破浪 愚公移山 四海为家

鱼目混珠 一鸣惊人





