

2017-06-26 金融读书会








1.Climate of Hope

作者: Michael Bloomberg / Carl Pope

出版社: St. Martin's Press

副标题: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet

出版时间: 2017-4


Michael Bloomberg又有什么新鲜事了?


这次,这位企业家兼前纽约市长找了知名环境学家Carl Pope组队,分享了一个见解:应对气候变化,我们必须学会如何通过正确投资,管理好我们的城市。


尽管Donald Trump认为“气候变化是个骗局”,但两位作者对未来的环保事业还是表达了看好。

2.Hit Makers

作者: Derek Thompson

出版社: Penguin Press

副标题: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction

出版时间: 2017-2




在互联网时代,短时间内红遍全球、吸粉无数似乎变得特别普遍。《大西洋月刊》的高级编辑Derek Thompson却不能苟同。他认为“爆红绝非侥幸”,导致热门的往往并不是东西本身的品质,而是东西如何在大众中快速传播。


他的“网红制造学”理念包括诸多观点,比如存在一个临界点——既能让人有所熟悉进而接近,又能令人惊喜、不住渴求更多。看过这本书,或许成为一个Hit Makers就简单得多了。

3.Madame President

作者: Helene Cooper

副标题: The Extraordinary Journey of Ellen Johnson

出版社: Simon & Schuster

出版时间: 2017-3




作为非洲首位民选女总统,2011年诺贝尔和平奖得主Ellen Johnson Sirleaf在利比里亚更脚踏实地。无论是否在位,她都始终致力于反抗父权压迫、追求女性平权。



4.The Photo Ark

作者: Joel Sartore

出版社: National Geographic

副标题: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals

出版时间: 2017-3




科学家预测:到了2100年,地球上一半的动物将灭绝。因此,摄影师Joel Sartore决定像诺亚一样,用相机“保护”这个世界即将失去的近12000种宝贵财富。


《照片方舟》就像一趟深入动物王国的奇妙之旅,呼唤着人类的有识之士采取行动保护濒危物种:To know these animals is to save them。

5.The Nature Fix

作者: Florence Williams

出版社: National Geographic

副标题: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative

出版时间: 2017-2




神经学家Florence Williams想告诉你,这都是病,而大自然就能治愈你。现代化的数码世界拉远了人类与大自然恬静之美的距离,这就是病根。



6.One Buck at a Time

作者: Macon Brock / Earl Swift

出版社: John F Blair Pub

副标题: An Insider's Account of How Dollar Tree Remade American Retail

出版时间: 2017-1




美元树(Dollar Tree)是美国知名的连锁折扣杂货店品牌,创立以来始终坚持1美元的定价不变,广受底层消费者的欢迎。


在这本自传中,联合创始人Macon Brock生动讲述了美元树的创业历程。从一家弗吉尼亚州的小铺子发展为《财富》五百强企业,只用了30年之久,个中成功奥秘也在书中有所揭秘。

7.Option B

作者: Sheryl Sandberg / Adam Grant

出版社: Knopf

副标题: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy

出版时间: 2017-4




一场意外令Facebook的首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg永远地失去了她挚爱的丈夫Dave Goldberg,留下一双不到十岁的儿女。


她悲伤地向朋友哭诉“我想要Dave回来”,朋友只是说:“Option A (首选的理想人生)已不可能,但我们可以一同把Option B过得无比精采。”


此后,心灵鸡汤女神就以《Option B》为名,同沃顿商学院教授Adam Grant合著这本励志之作,告诉人们如何在不如意时避免陷入心态的恶性循环。

8.A World in Disarray

作者: Richard Haass

出版社: Penguin Press

副标题: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order

出版时间: 2017-1





这可不是什么地摊文学的观点,而是来自于美国对外关系委员会主席Richard Haass。他引用叶芝的诗句“万物已崩溃,中心不再掌控”(Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.)形容如今风雨飘摇的世界格局。




作者: Steven Poole

出版社: Scribner

副标题: The Surprising History of New Ideas

出版时间: 2016-11




作者Steven Poole坚信最佳创意其实都没什么新意。他调查了过去数百年的哲学、科学、技术、政治、商业领域,发现很多曾被嘲笑或忽略的突发奇想,时过境迁却让现代人如获至宝。




作者: Emily Kaiser Thelin

出版社: M&P

副标题: The Bold Flavors of Paula Wolfert's Renegade Life

出版时间: 2017-4





今年78岁高龄的Paula Wolfert被《纽约时报》誉为“当代烹饪权威”,是将地中海美食文化带入美国的标志性人物。可惜,如今的她面临阿尔茨海默症的袭击,再也无力烹调美食,只能从书中一窥风华。


通过这本半菜谱半传记的新作,作者描绘了Paula Wolfert的人生履历,剖析了她美食作品背后的文化背景,还整理了Wolfert的50则食谱附在书后。

11.Women in Science

作者: Rachel Ignotofsky

出版社: Ten Speed Press

副标题: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World

出版年: 2016-7



妇女能顶半边天(Women  hold up half the sky),有科学证据吗?


对于这个问题,图册《Women in Science》以50名在科学理论、应用技术、工程、数学上作出杰出贡献的当代女性为例,交出了一份激动人心的答卷。


基因学家Nettie Stevens、物理学家Emmy Noether、电气工程师Edith Clarke......或许你从未听过她们的名字,但看过本书的图表和人物画像,你一定更能理解和支持其他女性投身科学事业,并对她们的成功充满信心。



New York – J.P. Morgan today announced its selections for the firm’s 18th annual Summer Reading List. Inspiring and actionable, the titles tackle timely topics, from social and environmental issues to resiliency in business and life and empowering the mind. For the first time, the list features 11 titles instead of its usual 10 to make room for a children’s book.


“This year’s selections are diverse and thought-provoking non-fiction titles, reflecting the passions and causes our global client base care about most,” said Darin Oduyoye, Chief Communications Officer for J.P. Morgan Asset & Wealth Management. “Business executives, entrepreneurs, philanthropists and all clients in between will discover creative and inspiring stories from our list. While summer is a time to relax, it is also a time to recharge and revitalize our thinking. Great books are the perfect fuel.”


The annual summer list is an ever-evolving project designed to spark conversations among the firm’s expansive client base worldwide. This year, the list features an 11th book, a charmingly illustrated and informative title for children and young adults about famous women in the history of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).


“While we work with such an accomplished and dynamic group of clients, it’s important to remember that many take some time during the summer to disconnect from work and spend time more with their families,” continued Oduyoye. “Including Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World offers a great opportunity to explore important conversations about science, history and the impact women have had. It’s inspiring and informative—for all ages.”


In creating the 2017 list, client advisors from J.P. Morgan offices around the globe submitted hundreds of titles. That list was then culled based on timeliness, quality, author credentials, innovation and global appeal.


The 11 titles selected for the 2017 J.P. Morgan Summer Reading List are:


Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet, by Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope. Noted philanthropist and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and renowned environmentalist Carl Pope team up to share insights and solutions they believe will address the impact of climate change, from how we manage our cities to how we invest. While urging immediate action, they remain optimistic that people and policy can come together to confront what might be civilization's greatest challenge.


Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction, by Derek Thompson. In the Internet age, popularity often seems attainable by anyone, even on a global scale. In Hit Makers, Derek Thompson offers an alternative explanation: Hits are rarely flukes. Instead, hits are meticulously, almost scientifically crafted to be both familiar and new. From popular songs to blockbuster movies, the author explores how “the science of popularity” shapes our culture and our lives.


Madame President: The Extraordinary Journey of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, by Helene Cooper. As Africa's first elected female president and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has blazed a trail of equality and empowerment for women everywhere. Helene Cooper, herself born in Monrovia, Liberia, details Sirleaf’s amazing path from mother of four boys and survivor of war and violence to leader of a fragile nation–an inspiring and memorable story.


National Geographic: The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore. With nearly half of the earth's animals moving toward extinction by 2100, photographer Joel Sartore set out to capture what the world could be losing. Brilliant, breathtaking photos of thousands of animals and insects set against dramatic black or white backgrounds bring the beauty and importance of the world's biodiversity to life. The Photo Ark is a mesmerizing tour through the animal kingdom—and a persuasive call to action for all who care about our world’s future.


The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative, by Florence Williams. Our modern digital world has pulled many of us away from nature’s beauty and soothing silence, while we also often report feeling disconnected or down. Intrigued by stories about the world's great thinkers and their communions with nature for inspiration and insight, neuroscientist Florence Williams shows why and how a walk in the woods (or similar escape) is not only good for the heart, but also good for the mind and the soul.


One Buck at a Time: An Insider's Account of How Dollar Tree Remade American Retail, by Macon Brock and Earl Swift. For over 30 years, Dollar Tree has remained true to its name and mission, defying disbelievers while faithfully serving its loyal, budget-conscious customers. In One Buck at a Time, company co-founder Macon Brock delivers a vivid and entertaining portrait of enterprise and business acuity, from Dollar Tree's humble beginnings as a five-and-dime in Norfolk, Virginia, to the company’s rise in the Fortune 500 rankings.


Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy, by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant. After the sudden death of her husband, Sheryl Sandberg wondered if she and her two children would ever recover from their deep and consuming grief. With the help of family and friends, including best-selling author, psychologist and Wharton professor Adam Grant, she learned that resilience, recovery and even joy are always within reach. For those facing adversity and loss (and for those supporting on the journey), Sandberg and Grant map the steps to help persevere —and eventually thrive.


Rethink: The Surprising History of New Ideas, by Steven Poole. Steven Poole believes the best ideas are rarely new. Through illuminating examples, he demonstrates that innovation owes less to a flash of inspiration than a recognition and respect for ideas of the past. For those interested in influencing change, whether in business, science or culture, Poole’s perspective is an invitation to reexamine the discarded or discredited as part of today’s—and tomorrow’s—creative mix.


Unforgettable: The Bold Flavors of Paula Wolfert's Renegade Life, by Emily Kaiser Thelin. When legendary cookbook author Paula Wolfert started experiencing early stage dementia, her lifelong passion for Mediterranean cooking became a reliable anchor to the world drifting away. Part cookbook, part biography, Unforgettable traces Wolfert's incredible life, documenting her discovery and love for a region, its culinary traditions and culture. Thelin’s celebration of Wolfert’s lifelong bravery and boldness is also a foodie’s education in flavor, technique and delicious ingredients.


Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World, by Rachel Ignotofsky. Hypatia, Edith Clarke, Lisa Meitner, Wang Shenyi. These trailblazing women of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) along with 46 others are joyfully saluted in this inspiring collection.  Crisp two-page biographies of remarkable scientists across geographies and centuries are complemented by playful drawings and fun facts. The next generation of young scientists (and their families) will enjoy this irresistible compendium of brilliant, passionate and tenacious achievers.


A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order, by Richard Haass. Richard Haass argues that today’s escalating political turmoil has been compounded by—or perhaps driven by—fissures in an old world order that prevailed over the last half century but is now ineffective. In A World in Disarray, he examines factors at play in politics and policies across the globe and documents the need for a new world order. Crucial to this is the role of the United States and the ability of its citizens and leaders to come together.(完)

文章来源:J.P.Morgan集团官方网站 2017年6月9日(本文仅代表作者观点)





