
VOL.887 Mrs. Hemingway/Mary Chapin Carpenter

2016-06-22 @齐格弗里德 SFD每日一歌

SONG FOR THE DAY | SONG| Mrs. Hemingway

<The Age of Miracles>是美国传奇乡村女歌手Mary Chapin Carpenter(以下或简称为“MCC”)的第10张录音室专辑,也是她在Zoë厂牌下的第3张个人创作专辑。

关于这张专辑的主题,MCC在一次采访中曾说过,是关于卡特里娜飓风(HurricaneKatrina)及其余波的。然而,这张专辑最受关注的两首作品,其实都和卡特里娜飓风无关。一首叫做<4June 1989>的与“Tiananmen Square Massacre”有关的作品显然是无法在内地的音乐网站显示的;另一首叫做<Mrs.Hemingway>的作品——也是这张专辑里最打动我的那一首,则是关于美国著名小说家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的第一任妻子的。


MCC说,这首歌的灵感来自于她大学时读到的关于海明威的回忆录——《流动的盛宴》(A Moveable Feast)。在这回忆录的末尾,海明威提到了Hadley Richardson Hemingway(以下或简称为“Hadley”),他的第一任妻子。他是这样描述的:“I wished I had died before I ever loved anyone but her”。这段温柔又充满辛酸与悔意的对于婚姻的描绘,激起了MCC对Hadley生平故事的研究。

Hadley比海明威大八岁,她与海明威在通过其室友哥哥见面后的一年内闪婚。他们的婚姻从1921年持续至1927年。后来海明威爱上了Hadley的好朋友,富有的金发姑娘Pauline,Hadley提出:如果海明威与Pauline能够在彼此不见面100天后仍然相爱,那么她就同意离婚。在与Pauline分开的3个多月的时间里,海明威创作了著名的《没有女人的男人》(Men Without Women)。

离婚后,Hadley在1933年嫁给了她此后的终身伴侣美国新闻记者PaulS cott Mowrer,她的第二次婚姻持续了整整37年,直到Paul去世。而海明威则结了四次婚,并且爱过许多人。在海明威可以被文字记载的历史上,Hadley是一个非常模糊的角色,人们对于她所知道的,恐怕只有海明威与她最好的朋友相爱,然后离她而去。

MCC在这首歌所描述的便是,当这场情变发生之前,Hadley与海明威在巴黎的生活。事实上,在《流动的盛宴》(A Moveable Feast)中,海明威也曾回顾过他与Hadley在巴黎的生活,两个人共同面对名誉、金钱与堕落——那也是海明威自认为处于创作巅峰的时期。


综上所述,按照我的理解,MCC在这首<Mrs. Hemingway >中对于海明威自身的一种心态设定,应该就是那种在变老之后的所谓“不忘初心”的一种挣扎,而对于Hadley,则类似于那种清风徐来、深藏功与名的最初的美好。

至于他们在巴黎的时光,MCC必然也只是臆想,在她的眼里,那段时光应该是也许不算富裕的但容易让人满足的,是充满诱惑、挑战的,是两个人彼此扶持前行的……就像MCC在<Mrs. Hemingway >中所营造的那种安宁和幸福的氛围那样,最后一句的“Now I can say I was lucky most days,andthrow a rose into the Seine”,我想应该也是海明威与Hadley共同的心声吧。


We packed up our books and our dishes

Our dreams and your worsted wool suits

We sailed on the 8th of December.

Farewell old Hudson River

Here comes the sea

And love was as new and as bright and as true

When I loved you and you loved me.

Two steamer trunks in the carriage

Safe arrival we cabled back home

It was just a few days before Christmas

We filled our stockings with wishes

And walked for hours

Arm in arm through the rain, to the glassed-in cafй

It held us like hothouse flowers

Living in Paris, in attics and garrets

Where the coal merchants climb every stair

The dance hall next door is filled with sailors and whores

And the music floats up through the air

There's Sancerre and oysters, cathedrals and cloisters

And time with it's unerring aim

For now we can say we were lucky most days

And throw a rose into the Seine

Love is the greatest deceiver

It hollows you out like a drum

And suddenly nothing is certain

As if all the clouds closed the curtains and blocked the sun

And friends now are strangers in this city of dangers

As cold and as cruel as they come

Sometimes I look at old pictures

And smile at how happy we were

How easy it was to be hungry.

It wasn't for fame or for money

It was for love

Now my copper hair's gray as the stones on the quay

In the city where magic was

Living in Paris, in attics and garrets

Where the coal merchants climb every stair

The dance hall next door is filled with sailors and whores

And the music floats up through the air

There's Sancerre and oysters, and Notre Dame's cloisters

And time with it's unerring aim

For now we can say we were lucky most days

And throw a rose into the Seine

Now I can say I was lucky most days

And throw a rose into the Seine.


VOL.886 再见二丁目/杨千嬅

VOL.885 你今天快乐吗/卢冠廷

VOL.884 家书/C AllStar

VOL.883 行歌/陈鸿宇

VOL.882 活着是最好的死亡/蔡健雅

