

中国金融评论 中国金融评论 2024-01-20

The nonlinear characteristics of Chinese stock index futures yield volatility: Based on the high frequency data of CSI300 stock index futures


Xuebiao Wang, Xi Wang and Bo Li
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China, and
Zhiqi Bai
School of Accounting,
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China


Wang, X., Wang, X., Li, B. and Bai, Z. (2019), "The nonlinear characteristics of Chinese stock index futures yield volatility: Based on the high frequency data of CSI300 stock index futures", China Finance Review International, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 175-196. https://doi.org/10.1108/CFRI-07-2018-0069




The purpose of this paper is to consider that the model of volatility characteristics is more reasonable and the description of volatility is more explanatory.


This paper analyzes the basic characteristics of market yield volatility based on the five-minute trading data of the Chinese CSI300 stock index futures from 2012 to 2017 by Hurst index and GPH test, A-J and J-O Jumping test and Realized-EGARCH model, respectively. The results show that the yield fluctuation rate of CSI300 stock index futures market has obvious non-linear characteristics including long memory, jumpy and asymmetry.


This paper finds that the LHAR-RV-CJ model has a better prediction effect on the volatility of CSI300 stock index futures. The research shows that CSI300 stock index futures market is heterogeneous, means that long-term investors are focused on long-term market fluctuations rather than short-term fluctuations; the influence of the short-term jumping component on the market volatility is limited, and the long jump has a greater negative influence on market fluctuation; the negative impact of long-period yield is limited to short-term market fluctuation, while, with the period extending, the negative influence of long-period impact is gradually increased.

Research limitations/implications

This paper has research limitations in variable measurement and data selection.

Practical implications

This study is based on the high-frequency data or the application number of financial modeling analysis, especially in the study of asset price volatility. It makes full use of all kinds of information contained in high-frequency data, compared to low-frequency data such as day, weekly or monthly data. High-frequency data can be more accurate, better guide financial asset pricing and risk management, and result in effective configuration.


The existing research on the futures market volatility of high frequency data, mainly focus on single feature analysis, and the comprehensive comparative analysis on the volatility characteristics of study is less, at the same time in setting up the model for the forecast of volatility, based on the model research on the basic characteristics is less, so the construction of a model is relatively subjective, in this paper, considering the fluctuation characteristics of the model is more reasonable, characterization of volatility will also be more explanatory power. The difference between this paper and the existing literature lies in that this paper establishes a prediction model based on the basic characteristics of market return volatility, and conducts a description and prediction study on volatility.


  1. Introduction

  2. Asymmetry, long memory and jumping of high frequency data realized volatility

    2.1 Asymmetry of high frequency data realized volatility

    2.2 Long memory and jumping of high frequency data realized volatility

  3. Empirical research

    3.1 Non-linear characteristics of return volatility of CSI 300 stock index futures market

    3.2 Prediction and comparison based on LHAR-RV-CJ model

  4. Research conclusions


5-min logarithmic yield of the CSI 300 stock index futures market

Descriptive statistical results of 5-min logarithmic yield of CSI 300 stock index futurestics by country

Statistical results of volatility description have been achieved for CSI 300 stock index futures

Different realized volatility construction methods, descriptivestatistics and timing diagrams

CSI 300 stock index futures markets realized volatility R/S test and GPH test results

Statistical characteristics of significant daily jump variance of CSI 300 stock index futures market at different confidence levels

Time-series diagram of significant jump variance sequence and realized volatility in daytime

Contribution degree analysis of jump variance to population variance jump

J-O test analysis of significant jump proportion and jump variance contribution in years

Estimation results of realized-EGARCH model in CSI 300 stock index futures and spot markets

Residual histogram of CSI 300 stock index futures market model

Information impact curve of CSI 300 stock index futures market

Information impact curve of CSI 300 stock index

Realized volatility autocorrelation and the correlation between positive, negative returns and significant jump components and realized volatility

Model estimation results of LHAR-RV-CJ

Variation of periodic volatility coefficient α estimated by different realized volatility

Changes in periodic negative return coefficient γ of different realized volatility estimates

Prediction capability analysis of the model






白智奇(1990—),男,山西吕梁人 ,东北财经大学会计学院,主要研究方向是公司金融与公司治理。




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中国金融评论 中国金融评论

