
IAPA最新建成项目 | 从竞赛到建成历时十年的河源图书馆新馆

iapa 澳大利亚IAPA设计


Hakka without question is one of the largest cultural groups withinChina whose well preserved traditions and culture are alive and well.Originating from central and northern parts of China, the Hakka ancestorsmigrated to southern China where they have been settled for centuries. Theirtradition of migration remains and there are now more than 40 million Hakkapeople who reside overseas.




The library is designed to belocating at the center of the park, overlooking the entire artificial lake froma small mountain. This location is ideal from a ‘Feng-Sui’ point of view: themajor façade will be facing a large open waterscape with small mountains‘backing’ the building. 




The classic Hakka housewas considered a defense system against possible intruders. Three typologiesare usually seen which are ‘Yuan-Lou’, ‘Wei-Long-Wu’, and ‘Wu-Feng-Lou’ amongstwhich ‘Wu-Feng-Lou’ has been considered the earliest type developed by theHakka ancestors. 




As the origin of Hakka architecture, rich in symbolism, and a buildingtypology that goes well with the plan of a library, the Wu-Feng-Lou became ourmost important source of inspiration. Echoing the traditional form, the librarywas designed as five functional entities which develop a strong connection withthe sloping landform and the waterscape.



For the elevation, we were inspired by the key design elements of the traditional Hakka architecture: a large main entry, small windows and thick walls. We used textured concrete panels with tall narrow windows on the front elevation, and pattern bricks on the side elevations. The configuration also helped the building to achieve passive energy saving and sustainability. The elevation embodies the traditional Hakka architecture, whilst the white colour scheme reflects modern minimalism.





内庭院窗户的设置,与外立面的厚实墙体有所不同,我们选用河源客家人挚爱的竹作为主要材料,外饰竹格栅,内层用透明玻璃窗。既能保证图书馆内部光线充足又有一定遮荫效果。 “宁可食无肉 ,不可居无竹”。短短十个字充分表达了客家人对竹的偏爱,内院的青竹与竹窗相呼应,完美契合整个图书馆语境。

In contrast to the solid, fortress like external elevations, the internalelevations which face the inner courtyard are open and allow for the inflow ofnatural light. We chose a mixture of clear glass and shade panels for thewindows. There is an old Hakka saying, which translates to “better to eatwithout meat than to live without bamboo”. This saying expresses the Hakkapeople’s preference for bamboo. This inspired us to choose treated bamboo forthe shade panels. We are very pleased with the overall effect of the bambooshades – they are an authentic, traditional material but they have been used tocreate a modern aesthetic.






The overall surrounding of the library is truly exceptional; the generalform of the architecture is stacked together from south to north to create aplatform landscape. While the design of the entrance plaza is visually pleasingand provides the visitors a generous amount of relaxation space close by thewater, the creation of a central garden not only satisfies the local fire preventionregulation, but also enhances the architecture’s ability to naturally ventilateand light itself, allowing the library to become a more comfortableenvironment. Also, the addition of the roof garden creates a natural barrieragainst summer heat, and this large green space allows the library to becomeeven more sustainable than it already is.






The Heyuan Library is not only a key feature of the Heyuan Cultural Parkbut also a place to immerse yourself in culture, literature, knowledge andnature. 





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