
Wild Foshan 佛山好嘢 | 老外眼中的佛山美食是这样的!Foshan gourmet in Chinglish!

2017-08-11 佛山新闻网 佛山新闻网

Keyword: gourmet


日前,美国《GQ》杂志发布了最新出炉的美国2017餐饮排行榜,“夫妻肺片”荣登榜首,被选为“年度开胃菜”。 然而,这道美食常常会因中文名而被错译为“丈夫与妻子的肺片”。面对这么“血腥”的英文名,老外还敢吃吗?

Recently, an American magazine GQ published the latest American 2017 catering ranking list. “Mr and Mrs Smith” (Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce) ranked first and it was selected as the “annual appetizer”. However, this delicious course is often mistakenly translated into “husband and wife's lung slice” because of its Chinese name. Food with such a “bloody” name, do foreigners dare to taste?


In fact, poorly translated food names like “husband and wife's lung slice” are common in life. Due to different codes of language, many Chinese courses with Chinglish names often confuse foreigners and even become a joke. Foshan is a capital of gourmet with a variety of tasty dishes and snacks! Can foreigners understand all kinds of "weird names" on the menu?


Thus, we invited Ruben, a football coach who has lived in Foshan for five years to share his "experience" with us. What does he think?







So how to translate the "weird" names of Foshan gourmet into English? Let’s have a look!


双皮奶Double-layer Milk Custard


“Double-skin Milk” is too dreadful! Actually, “skin” refers to the milk layers formed at the surface and the bottom of custard. Two milk layers wrap the white and creamy milk inside, giving a sweet taste and tempting fragrance. Double-layer Milk Custard is a very popular dessert in Foshan.



牛脷酥 Deep-fried Sweet Dough


If you are scared by the name “cow’s tongue cake”, you will miss something delicious! The snack gets its name for the cow tongue shape. Deep-fried Sweet Dough is made of flour and granulated sugar. This sweet fried snack is a perfect partner of congee!


盲公饼 Manggong Cake


A cake that makes people blind? It is very confusing to translate Manggong Cake into “blind man cake”. Foshan people are very familiar with Manggong Cake, which was said to be created by a blind man in the Qing Dynasty. Manggong Cake is made of sticky rice, sugar, peanuts, sesames, pork, unboiled peanut oil and other ingredients. The pork is specially cured with sugar for several months before it is added into the cake. Manggong Cake has a rice flavor and crisp bite, which makes it one of the famous Foshan traditional snacks home and abroad. When translating Chinese cuisine names with stories, simply using Pinyin can avoid causing confusions.



蹦砂 Bengsha/ Butterfly-shaped Cookie


What is the English name of 蹦砂? Yes, it is Bengsha! The traditional way of making Bengsha is to mix flour with lard, fermented red beancurd, sugar and other ingredients and fry it until it turns into golden yellow. The appetizing smell, crisp tastes and soft texture combine into a special flavor, the hotter the better. As it has a shape of butterfly, Bengsha is also called Butterfly-shaped Cookie.



白切鸡 Chopped Boiled Chicken


“White, cut, chicken”, these three words do not make any sense, but “white cut chicken” is a widely known dish in Foshan. Chopped Boiled Chicken is characterized by its simple cooking procedures. Boil the chicken to a just well done level, add no seasonings, cut it into pieces and enjoy the natural taste of food. The chicken is white with the yellow color of oil and the odor of scallion oil. It is a famous home-cooking cuisine in Guangdong.




Fengcheng Chicken in Four Seasonings


When four people are having dinner together, should we order “four cups chicken”? Fengcheng Chicken in Four Seasonings is one of the traditional famous dishes in Shunde. “Four cups” here means four cups pf seasonings, a cup of oil (use water now), a cup of wine, a cup of sugar and a cup of soybean sauce. Simmer the chicken in pot until it is colored by seasonings and well cooked. Cut it into pieces and add some sauces. A delicious course with crispy skin, smooth meat and dense sauce is done.


There are so much gourmet in Foshan, and we are not able to introduce everything in such a short article. Besides these "weird" names of gourmet, what else can be a challenge for foreigners to understand? Leave your comments below and let us know!




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