by 丹尼尔·奥罗斯科
Daniel Orozco
Those are the offices and these are the cubicles. That’s my cubicle there, and this is your cubicle. This is your phone. Never answer your phone. Let the Voicemail System answer it. This is your Voicemail System Manual. There are no personal phone calls allowed.
Amanda Pierce, who tolerates Russell Nash, is in love with Albert Bosch, whose office is over there. Albert Bosch, who only dimly registers Amanda Pierce’s existence, has eyes only for Ellie Tapper, who sits over there. Ellie Tapper, who hates Albert Bosch, would walk through fire for Curtis Lance. But Curtis Lance hates Ellie Tapper.
Here are these people in close proximity, spending their time together, knowing the private details of one another’s lives and yet ignoring them, and thereby ignoring each other, retaining their isolation even within a crush of human need and longing. For them, personal intimacy creates separation rather than connection—the more intimately the characters know each other, the greater their alienation.
by 格蕾丝·佩雷
Grace Paley
The story is so short that the experience of reading it is akin to a flashback to a forgotten memory or a dream about a stranger’s conversation overheard in passing.
I saw my ex-husband in the street. I was sitting on the steps of the new library.
Hello, my life, I said. We had once been married for twenty-seven years, so I felt justified.
He said, What? What life? No life of mine.
The Story of an Hour
by 凯特·肖邦
Kate Chopin
《一小时的故事》最初名为“The Dream of an Hour”,1894年发表时改为“The Story of an Hour”,讲述了女主人公露易丝·玛拉尔德从听说丈夫死讯到发现丈夫还活着中间一小时的心理历程。
Chopin's The Awakening is a quintessential work of feminist literature, about a woman who feels restricted by the confines of her marriage. The same themes are at play here; it's more than worth a look.
She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.
She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death; the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome.
A Lack of Order in the Floating Object Room
by 乔治·桑德斯
George Saunders
It's not hard to see why; his stories, some of them science fiction, some of them literary realism, often portray the human spirit at odds with a consumerist culture.
A velour basketball, half the size of a real basketball, hangs mid-aired over a crib. In the closet, the arms of tiny jackets and sweaters wave and salute wildly. The threads of the carpet flatten out like grass under a helicopter, and then circular waves run outward from the middle of the room. When the waves die down, it’s just a regular carpet again. The whole cycle takes three and a half minutes.
A Worn Path
by 尤多拉·韦尔蒂
Eudora Welty
Welty was a Pulitzer-winning author from the South, known for writing about southern life in America. The Atlantic published “A Worn Path” in 1941. It tells the story of an old woman walking a long distance from her home to the center of town.
Phoenix heard the dogs fighting, and heard the man running and throwing sticks. She even heard a gunshot.
But she was slowly bending forward by that time, further and further forward, the lids stretched down over her eyes, as if she were doing this in her sleep. Her chin was lowered almost to her knees. The yellow palm of her hand came out from the fold of her apron. Her fingers slid down and along the ground under the piece of money with the grace and care they would have in lifting an egg from under a setting hen. Then she slowly straightened up; she stood erect, and the nickel was in her apron pocket.
A bird flew by. Her lips moved. 'God watching me the whole time. I come to stealing.'
How to Become a Writer
by 洛丽·摩尔
Lorrie Moore
Moore’s pithy and hilarious writing has won her both attention and critical acclaim, and “How to Become a Writer,” a story originally published in her first collection, Self Help, is no exception. It’s a funny chronicling of the hurdles an aspiring writer has to clear, including backup plans and confused college roommates.
It is best if you fail at an early age - say, 14. Early, critical disillusionment is necessary so that at 15 you can write long haiku sequences about thwarted desire. It is a pond, a cherry blossom, a wind brushing against sparrow wing leaving for mountain. Count the syllables. Show it to your mom.
She is tough and practical. She has a son in Vietnam and a husband who may be having an affair. She believes in wearing brown because it hides spots. She'll look briefly at your writing then back up at you with a face blank as a doughnut. She'll say: ''How about emptying the dishwasher?'' Look away. Shove the forks in the fork drawer. Accidentally break one of the freebie gas station glasses. This is the required pain and suffering. This is only for starters.
编辑:左卓 唐晓敏 李雪晴