

2016-02-01 双语君 中国日报网双语新闻



双语君摘录了美国译者凯利(Jeanne Kelly )和茅国权(Nathan K. Mao)的译本,让大家欣赏一下。

围城Fortress Besieged



Marriage is like a fortress besieged: those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out.


In those days she valued her affection too highly to bestow it causally. Now, however, she was just like the person who has some fine clothes made and, saving them for good occasions, locks them in a chest. Then one or two years later she suddenly finds their style and design are out of fashion and is filled with disappointment and regret.


Some people when jilted will immediately display their broken hearts in public and drip with blood like a beggar’s scraped legs to stir pity. Or else, after the whole affair is over, they will pull up their clothes in the manner of a veteran and point it out like an old battle scar to arouse awe and wonder.


But deep down she could not forget him. It was like the gum left empty and aching after a tooth is extracted, or like a small tree in a flower pot. To pull it up roots and all, one mush smash the pot.


It must be said that her long years of friendship with Hsin-mei did not add up to love, just as in winter no one can add today’s temperature to yesterday’s to come up with a warm spring day for tomorrow.
老头子恋爱听说像老房子着了火,烧起来没有救的。An old man’s love was said to be like an old house set ablaze. Once it started burning, there was no saving it.



When she rose from the canvas lounge chair, one could see how slight she was. Moreover, the outline of her figure was perhaps too sharp, as if it had been drawn with a squared-nibbed pen.


Fang Hung-chien noticed that the trace of a smile lingered on Miss T’ang’s face when she was not smiling, like the last few notes that float in the air after the music ceased.


Not especially large, her eyes were lively and gentle, making the big eyes of many women seem like the big talk of politicians – big and useless.


Without his dark glasses on his face, Li’s large, white eyes looked like two shelled hard-boiled eggs.


Her son, not yet two years old, had a snub nose, two slanted slits for eyes, and eyebrows so high up and removed from the eyes that the eyebrows and the eyes must have pined for each other – a living replica of the Chinese face in newspaper caricatures.


Ku Er-chien’s enthusiasm was like a cork floating on water that even a heavy downpour couldn’t knock over.


Her faint smile was like an overcast sky on a cold dreary day.


Fortunately, a young girl’s tears aren’t yet like the raindrops of autumn or winter. They don’t bring destruction and ruin to the face, but are more like the steady rains of early April, which soak and swell the ground, making it muddier.



The diploma, it seemed, would function the same as Adam and Eve’s figleaf. It could hid a person’s shame and wrap up his disgrace.


The viciousness of a kind, simple-hearted soul, like gritty sand in the rice or splinters in a deboned fish, can give a person unexpected pain.


A person’s shortcomings are just like a monkey’s tail. When it’s squatting on the ground, its tail is hidden from view, but as soon as it climbs a tree, it exposes its backside to everyone. Nevertheless, the long tail and red bottom were there all the time. They aren’t just a mark of having climbed to a higher position.


Mr. Chang liked to sprinkle his Chinese with meaningless English expressions. It wasn’t that he had new ideas, which were difficult to express in Chinese and required the use of English. The English words inlaid in his speech could not thus be compared with the gold teeth inlaid in one’s mouth, since gold teeth are not only decorative but functional as well. A better comparison would be with the bits of meat stuck between the teeth – they show that one has had a good meal but are otherwise useless.


Mrs. Chang spoke Shanghainese better than her husband, but her native accent often showed through like an undersized jacket that doesn’t cover up the gown underneath.


If a recording really had been made, it would have been a thunderous racket, like the roaring of waves or the gobbling and gulping of wolves or tigers, accompanied by a thin, sharp thread of sound in the middle that rose and fell abruptly without stop. Sometimes the thread rose higher and higher, getting thinner and thinner like a kite-string about to snap. Then for some reason it would descend and stabilize as if reaching a peak. 


Hung-chien had found from close study that Westerners are ugly in a different way from Chinese: Chinese ugliness seems to be the result of the Creator’s having skimped on time and materials. It is a slapdash, perfunctorily put together ugliness. Westerners’ ugliness seems a mark of the Creator’s spite. He has purposely set out the play jokes with the facial features. The ugliness thus has a plan and a motive behind it.



The night, like paper soaked in oil, had become translucent. Locked in the embrace of the sun, the night’s own form was indiscernible. Perhaps it had become intoxicated by the sun, which would explain why the night sky remained flushed long after the gradual fading of the rosy sunset.


Miss Sun’s large flashlight shone with snowy brightness for more than a foot, digging a tunnel through the heart of the darkness.


The rain grew bolder as it fell, the drops linking together to form a thread. The surface of the river seemed to have broken out with smallpox, as countless pockmarked eddies continuously came and went. As the rain became denser, it seemed as though hair were growing from the smooth, glossy surface of the water.


It was late autumn, and deep in the mountains the days were short. A ray of moonlight showed through the clouds like a squinting, nearsighted eye. After a moment the moon, too round and smooth for anything to stick to it and too light and nimble to be held down, floated out unencumbered from the mass of tousled, fluff-like clouds. On side was not yet full, like a face swollen up on one side from a slap.

(编辑:左卓 秦区区<实习>)





