
香格纳北京 | 赵洋个展《罗马是个湖》

ShanghART 香格纳画廊 2021-01-17


画廊周北京 2019 

Gallery Weekend Beijing 2019

贵宾日 VIP Days


公众日 Public Days


赵洋:罗马是个湖 Zhao Yang: Roma Is a Lake | 香格纳北京 ShanghART Beijing | 展览现场 Installation View


“North of downtown Beijing, across the Roma roundabout, there are two small puddles we refer to as Roma Lake. We do not call it “the lake in Roma”, because the lake is in fact sandwiched between Rogezhuang and Matou villages. It is a lake that gives way to a sense of melancholy and ridiculousness, a lake that is full of misreading and romance. Roma is not Roma. It refers to a lake. 

赵洋:罗马是个湖 Zhao Yang: Roma Is a Lake | 香格纳北京 ShanghART Beijing | 展览现场 Installation View



赵洋 Zhao Yang|罗马是个湖 Roma Is a Lake 181202|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|198x305cm|2018

赵洋 Zhao Yang|左 Left: 罗马是个湖 Roma Is a Lake 180829, 右 Right: 罗马是个湖 Roma Is a Lake 180705|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|Both: 210x210cm|2018

I spent two years living beside the banks of the Lake. It was sometimes conceived as a frozen mass lying under the hazy sky. The sun would occasionally loom but never fully appeared. Two or three men could be seen prowling in its vicinity, who would at times throw stones on the ice, or let off a loud growl, followed by the barking of an pudgy dog. Most of the time I had the lake to myself, which I enjoyed by walking around or would rest sat on a lonely rock gazing into the darkness. At night, were it not for a ray of light emanating from the street lamps all would have gone dark, for not even the twinkle of distant stars could pierce the overcast sky. On one such night, I observed a stranger on ice skates dancing in circles, silently and absorbedly, freely and ecstatically. The reflection of this image under the street lamp was especially dazzling, giving off a bright flash. A little later, more people would join in, the two of them would glide together, with there were angry shouts echoing onto the bank:

Resistance and rebellion are ineffective, only starting all over again!

赵洋:罗马是个湖 Zhao Yang: Roma Is a Lake | 香格纳北京 ShanghART Beijing | 展览现场 Installation View

赵洋 Zhao Yang | 罗马是个湖 Roma Is a Lake 180709 | 布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas | 200x400cm | 2018


It’s getting darker. I picked up sounds of flowing water, gurgling and disturbing. The air was thick with many a somnambulant, jabbering their half riddles, a man full of slips of the tongue, and a few alcoholics, all mumbling their nonsense in the lingering mystery around, from entanglement to deviation, like a collapse of implied dangers in chess. There were philosophers, poets, and two apes who were too small for me to make out their faces, all wrestling with one and another. 

赵洋:罗马是个湖 Zhao Yang: Roma Is a Lake | 香格纳北京 ShanghART Beijing | 展览现场 Installation View


6:50 我掸掉裤子上的尘土缓缓向画室走去,回望罗马湖,虽曲终人散,却也余音绕梁。"

Then the sudden deafening bang of fireworks, a magnificent array of color rippled through the misty sky, dropping a few faint and fading stars. 

At 6:50pm, I dusted off my trousers and walked slowly towards my studio. Looking back at Roma Lake, though the music had ended, it still lingered."

——赵洋 Zhao Yang

赵洋 Zhao Yang|罗马是个湖 Roma Is a Lake 180824|布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas|155x130cm|2018



赵洋,1970年生于吉林,1995年毕业于中国美术学院,现工作生活于北京。近期展览包括:赵洋个展: 罗马是个湖,香格纳北京(2019);新艺术史:中国的当代艺术 2000-2018,银川当代美术馆,银川(2019);赵洋: 阿赖耶,chi K11美术馆,上海(2018);赵洋: 万物之间,台北艺术大学关渡美术馆,台北(2016);赵洋个展:赵洋,香格纳画廊,上海(2016);CHINA 8,莱茵鲁尔区中国当代艺术展,勒姆布鲁克博物馆,杜伊斯堡(2015);一种历史:1980年代至今的艺术、建筑、设计,当代艺术收藏展,蓬皮杜艺术中心,巴黎,法国(2015);遗失的肖像,龙美术馆,上海(2014)等。

Zhao Yang was born in Jilin, China in 1970. He graduated from the China Academy of Fine Art in 1995 and currently lives and works in Beijing. His recent exhibitions include: Zhao Yang: Roma Is a Lake, ShanghART Beijing (2019); New Art History: 2000-2018 Chinese Contemporary Art, MOCA Yinchuan, Yinchuan (2019); Zhao Yang: ALAYA, chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai (2018); Zhao Yang: In Between, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA, Taipei (2016); 'Zao' by ZHAO Yang, ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai (2016); China 8, Contemporary Art from China at the Rhine and Ruhr, Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany (2015); Une histoire: art, architecture, design des années 1980 à nos jours, Collections contemporaines, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (2015); Lost Portrait, Long Museum, Shanghai (2014), etc.



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