ShanghART Gallery is pleased to announce that Sun Xun's solo exhibition “Sun Xun: Mythological Time” opens at Vancouver Art Gallery. Two works will be displayed in the exhibition, the two-screen animation Mythological Time and the huge painting on paper The Mythologer and the Rebellious Bone.
孙逊 Sun Xun | 通向大地的又一道闪电 Mythological Time | 2016 | 双屏动画 Two-screen animation | 12 minutes 44 seconds | 片段 Trailer 其中《通向大地的又一道闪电》为2016年古根海姆美术馆《中国当代艺术计划——故事新编》委托作品,也是其在加拿大的首展。作品探讨了中国东北一个曾经无比重要的能源城市成为如今的“遗忘角落”中的历史变迁,窥探历史中黑暗与沉重的瞬间。 Mythological Time was one of the commissioned works for the “Tales of Our Time” Chinese Art Exhibition at Guggenheim Museum in 2016, which will be the first time in Canada. It narrates the historical changes in a northeast city of China which was an important industrial city but now fades into oblivion, so that we can gaze at the dark and heavy moments of history.
孙逊 Sun Xun | 通向大地的又一道闪电 Mythological Time | 片段 Trailer
31米巨幅纸本绘画《神话与反骨》为艺术家疫情期间专门为此次展览所作,作品的巨幅纸张由艺术家亲自参与制作,绘画材料也采用原始方式由传统矿物质材料与胶混合加热熬制而成。绘画题材通过撷取宗教与神话中的形象,从当代性和本质的角度认知这场全球疫情,不论创作过程或作品的面貌都是艺术家对当下全球疫情的思索与行动上的反馈。 The 31-meter-long painting on paper, The Mythologer and the Rebellious Bone, was specially created for the exhibition during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The artist personally participated in the production of the huge paper. The painting pigments were made in primitive way that traditional mineral materials and glue are mixed and boiled by heating. From the perspective of contemporaneity and human nature, the artist captured images from religion and mythology to perceive the Pandemic. Not only the creating process but also the work itself reflects thoughts and actions of the artist upon the Pandemic.
孙逊 Sun Xun | 神话与反骨 The Mythologer and the Rebellious Bone | 2020 | 手工纸上荧光墨水,金粉,矿物质颜料 Hand-made paper, fluorescence ink, gold leaf and natural color pigment | 240(H)*3100(W)cm | 局部 Detail
如果说动画作品《通向大地的又一道闪电》是艺术家对于家乡历史与个体生命之间张力的微观叙事,那么这件绘画作品《神话与反骨》则是个体与宏观时代背景之间冲突的体验,两件作品创作时间相隔6年,一动一静,一暗一亮,既在展出形式上产生对比,也在时间上遥相呼应,在时空中对话,艺术家与艺术家所处的时代则是这场对话的注脚。 If we say the animation Mythological Time is the artist’s micro-narrative of the tension between hometown history and individual life, then the painting The Mythologer and the Rebellious Bone is an experience of the conflict that individual against the macro time background. The creation time of the two works is 6 years apart, one vibrant, one static, one dark, one bright. which not only creates a contrast in the form of the exhibition, but also echoes in time, dialogue in both time and space, and the artist and the era where artist live are the footnotes to the dialogue.
孙逊于北京工作室《神话与反骨》创作过程 Sun Xun in his Beijing studio working on The Mythologer and the Rebellious Bone图片致谢孙逊 Courtesy of the Artist / 孙逊:通向大地的又一道闪电Sun Xun: Mythological Time 展期 | Duration 2021/02/20 – 08/22 地点 | Location 温哥华美术馆,温哥华,加拿大Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Cannada
作为一位年轻艺术家,短短数年,孙逊在影像艺术领域的成果令人瞩目。2014年,孙逊获得第八届AAC艺术中国·青年艺术家大奖,2010年,孙逊陆续获得中国当代艺术奖“最佳年轻艺术家奖”;台湾当代艺术连线新潮赏奖和意大利CIVITELLA RANIERI 基金2011/2012年度奖学金。2012年,木刻动画短片《一场革命中还未来得及定义的行为》(2012)入围第六十二届柏林电影节短片竞赛单元。这是其作品《21克》(2010)入围2010威尼斯电影节地平线单元,成为第一部入围威尼斯电影节的中国动画影片之后,两年内作品再次入围国际三大A类电影节。 Sun Xun was born in 1980 in Fuxin in Liaoning province, China. He currently lives and works in Beijing. He graduated in 2005 from the Print-making Department of the China Academy of Art. In 2006 he established π Animation Studio. As a young artist, Sun Xun made an impressive impact, especially during recent years. He has received several notable awards including the "Chinese Contemporary Art Awards (CCAA Best Young Artist)" and "Taiwan Contemporary Art Link Young Art Award" in 2010, and the Civitella Ranieri Visual Arts Fellowship 2011/ 2012. In 2012, his latest wood printing animation film “Some Actions Which Haven't Been Defined yet in the Revolution” has been nominated by the Berlinale Shorts 2012 jury in 62nd Berlin International Film Festival. Merely 2 years after SUN Xun's work 21G entered Venice Film Festival in 2010, being the first Chinese animation film nominated by this festival, the artist brings animation work once again into top three A-class international film festivals.