
18-02-02【新闻 News】ARRI发布大画幅摄影机系统

ARRI ARRI 2022-08-27

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  • 整套新系统: ALEXA LF摄影机、ARRI Signature Prime镜头和LPL镜头卡口。

  • 鲜活动人的画面打造身临其境的立体感,引人入胜。

  • 兼容现有镜头、附件和工作流程。

在今天的伦敦BSC展上,ARRI正式发布一套全新大画幅摄影机系统,不但满足当代制作需求,还超越期待,带来前所未有的创作自由。基于4K大画幅版ALEXA影像传感器打造的ALEXA LF摄影机系统由ALEXA LF摄影机、ARRI Signature Prime镜头、LPL镜头卡口和PL-LPL转接环组成,新系统全面兼容现有镜头、附件和工作流程。



借助略大于全画幅的影像传感器,ALEXA LF以ARRI闻名的最佳全局画质录制原生4K图像,让电影人在凭借这款影像传感器自然色彩呈现、悦目肤色还原和惊人性能投入HDR和WCG工作流程的前提下自由探索大画幅格式身临其境的美学表现。丰富的录制格式,提供全面的创作选择,包括高效的ProRes和最高150 fps、无压缩不加密的ARRIRAW。

“画幅更大的ALEXA LF影像传感器与其它ALEXA机型一样拥有最优化的像素尺寸,因此它的解析度达到4448 x 3096,”ARRI摄影机系统产品经理马克·施普曼穆勒(Marc Shipman-Mueller)说:“不仅录制分辨率更高,而且创造出一种全新的视觉风格——立体感鲜明,真正的身临其境。得益于丰富的录制格式和影像传感器模式,无论遇到任何输出需求,任何制作项目都能享受到这种视觉风格。”

ARRI Signature Prime镜头

与ALEXA LF摄影机同步发布的是一套16支ARRI Signature Prime大画幅镜头,焦段覆盖12 mm到280 mm,全部使用ARRI LPL卡口。这套Signature Prime镜头是业界顶级精密光学的典范之作,它们的画面生动鲜活、情感丰富,体现着大画幅图像的细致柔美与质感。T1.8大光圈营造出的浅景深和平滑的焦外过渡让画面主体呼之欲出。


ARRI光学系统产品经理索斯顿·梅沃(Thorsten Meywald)评论道:“因为采用镁合金镜筒,ARRI Signature Prime镜头不可思议地轻巧和坚固,同时它们还配备了ARRI的下一代镜头数据系统LDS-2。然而让摄影师最过目不忘的是它们的成像风格;肤色还原美丽而柔和,而风景中的所有细节分毫毕现。我们关注的重点是画面的情感冲击力,无论是前景或背景都要有最独特、最美观的焦外表现。”


为大画幅影像传感器专门优化的LPL镜头卡口直径更大、法兰距更短,让ARRI Signature Prime镜头以及未来的大画幅镜头能够设计得更小巧轻便、光圈更大、焦外更美——以上这些优点,在目前PL镜头卡口的局限下都无法实现。LPL卡口也可用在其它ARRI摄影机上,而且正在授权给其它厂牌的镜头与摄影机使用。


尽管摄影机、镜头卡口和镜头都是新的,但全面兼容现有的PL卡口和ALEXA附件却是从整套系统设计初始就坚定不变的目标。利用PL-LPL转接环可为所有的Super 35或全画幅PL卡口镜头提供向下兼容。安装这款转接环无需工具,让现场工作人员能够快速切换PL和LPL镜头,这样摄影师就有了无限的镜头选择。


 “自始至终,我们都要确保我们消费者的投资获得最大程度的回报,”ARRI公司负责摄影机系统运营的高级主管斯蒂芬·申克(Stephan Schenk)说:“与现有的镜头、摄影机附件、工作流程、ARRI画面风格文件、镜头元数据以及软件工具兼容意味着ALEXA LF会更容易融入现场工作,也更容易与租赁机构的现有设备匹配。我们将这套系统看作未来的新标准,但也充分考虑到现有的设备环境,最大程度减少浪费。”



摄影指导 Matias Boucard

 ALEXA LF搭配35、47和75 mm ARRI Signature Prime镜头

摄影师马蒂亚斯·布格(Matias Boucard)完全采用自然光和现场光源,全开ARRI Signature Prime镜头的光圈获得浅景深和迷人的焦外高光。在泰国实景拍摄的这一段友情故事完美演绎着ALEXA LF的细节、动态范围和灵敏度。


摄影指导 王昱

 ALEXA LF搭配25、47、75和125 mm ARRI Signature Prime镜头

摄影师王昱游走在中国著名装置艺术家邵帆的创意空间与氛围中。流动的光线、鬼魅的阴影效果、刚柔并济的形状、结构和透视、天然材质和器具——无不展示出ALEXA LF与众不同的画面质感。



摄影指导 Tom Fährmann

 ALEXA LF搭配 125 mm ARRI Signature Prime镜头

些演示片已经展示了ALEXA LF的弱光与阴影能力,BVK摄影师汤姆·法尔曼(Tom Fährmann)另辟蹊径,在白背景前拍摄了一组镜头,演示各种面孔与肤色的表现。在各种人像光线的烘托下,ALEXA LF/ARRI Signature Prime这一对组合的气质、色彩与卓越的解析度被展现得淋漓尽致。





ARRI集团业务由五个商业部门组成:摄影机系统、灯光、媒体、租赁和医疗。ARRI是全球领先的电影摄影机与灯光系统设计与制造商,经销商与服务网络遍及全球。同时,ARRI也是后期制作领域的集成媒体服务提供者与面向专业制作领域的设备租赁、摄影机供应、灯光与器材装备的供应商。ARRI Medical专注于利用自身核心图像技术服务于外科手术应用。





ARRI Launches Large-format Camera System

  • A complete new system: ALEXA LF camera, ARRI Signature Prime lenses, and LPL lens mount.

  • Intimate and emotionally engaging images with an immersive, three-dimensional feel, pulling the viewer in.

  • Compatible with existing lenses, accessories, and workflows.

February 2, 2018, Munich/London – At the BSC Expo in London, ARRI today unveils a complete large-format system that meets and exceeds modern production requirements, delivering unprecedented creative freedom. Based on a large-format 4K version of the ALEXA sensor, the system comprises the ALEXA LF camera, ARRI Signature Prime lenses, LPL lens mount, and PL-to-LPL adapter. It is also compatible with existing lenses, accessories, and workflows.

ALEXA LF camera

Featuring a sensor slightly bigger than full frame, ALEXA LF records native 4K with ARRI’s best overall image quality. Filmmakers can explore a large-format aesthetic while retaining the sensor’s natural colorimetry, pleasing skin tones and proven suitability for HDR and WCG workflows. Versatile recording formats, including efficient ProRes and uncompressed, unencrypted ARRIRAW up to 150 fps, provide total flexibility.

“The larger ALEXA LF sensor has the same optimal pixel size as other ALEXAs, resulting in a 4448 x 3096 image,” says Marc Shipman-Mueller, ARRI Product Manager for Camera Systems. “This doesn’t just add definition, it creates a whole new look—one that is truly immersive, with a three-dimensional feel. The various recording formats and sensor modes make this look available to all productions and satisfy any possible deliverable requirement.”

ARRI Signature Prime lenses

Accompanying the ALEXA LF camera are 16 large-format ARRI Signature Prime lenses, ranging from 12 mm to 280 mm and fitted with the ARRI LPL mount. While the Signature Primes exemplify state-of-the-art optical precision, they render organic, emotionally engaging images, gently softening and texturizing the large format. A fast T-stop of T1.8 facilitates shallow depth of field and the smooth focus fall-off gives subjects heightened presence in the frame. 

Thorsten Meywald, ARRI Product Manager for Optical Systems, comments: “The ARRI Signature Prime lenses are incredibly lightweight and robust, due to the magnesium lens barrels. They also feature LDS-2, ARRI’s next-generation Lens Data System. What has impressed cinematographers most, however, is the look. Skin tones are rendered beautifully and kindly, while all the detail of landscapes can be captured. Our focus was on the emotional impact of images, creating unique and pleasing bokeh both in the foreground and background.”

New LPL lens mount

Optimized for large-format sensors, the new LPL lens mount has a wider diameter and shorter flange focal depth, allowing the ARRI Signature Primes and all future large-format lenses to be small and lightweight, with a fast T-stop and pleasing bokeh—a combination of features that would not be possible with the PL lens mount. The LPL mount will also be available for other ARRI cameras and is being licensed to third-party lens and camera manufacturers.

Backwards compatible with lenses, accessories, and workflows

Although the camera, lens mount, and lenses are new, full compatibility with existing PL mount lenses and ALEXA accessories is a cornerstone of the system's design. A PL-to-LPL adapter offers backwards compatibility with all PL mount lenses, whether Super 35 or full frame. The adapter attaches securely to the LPL lens mount without tools, allowing crews to rapidly switch between PL and LPL lenses on set, and offering cinematographers an unlimited lens choice.

“As always, we want to make sure that our customers get the best possible return on their investments in ARRI equipment,” says Stephan Schenk, Managing Director of ARRI Cine Technik and responsible for the business unit Camera Systems. “Providing compatibility with existing lenses, camera accessories, workflows, ARRI Look Files, lens metadata, and software tools makes it easier for crews to work with ALEXA LF on set and for rental houses to incorporate it into their inventories. We think the system sets a new standard for the future, but it also minimizes redundancies and leaves no one behind.”

The offical Chinese webpage of the ARRI large-format camera system has just been launched.

Please visit www.arri.com/largeformat for more details.

About ARRI:

Arnold & Richter Cine Technik (ARRI) is a global company within the motion picture media industry, employing around 1,500 staff worldwide. The company was founded in 1917 in Munich, Germany, where the headquarters is still located today. Other subsidiaries exist in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Australia.

The ARRI Group consists of five business units: Camera Systems, Lighting, Media, Rental, and Medical. ARRI is a leading designer and manufacturer of camera and lighting systems for the film and broadcast industry, with a worldwide distribution and service network. It is also an integrated media service provider in the fields of film post- and coproduction, international sales, as well as equipment rental, supplying camera, lighting, and grip packages to professional productions. ARRI Medical focuses on the use of core imaging technologies for surgical applications.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has recognized ARRI’s engineers and their contributions to the industry with 19 Scientific and Technical Awards.

For locations and more information please visit www.arri.com.

