
In case you missed it: September 2023

W​CIS WellingtonCollegeSH 2023-10-19

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The first month of the new academic year is already behind us, and these past four weeks have been jam-packed with fun, learning and enrichment. From Induction Day to left-shoe relays, here is a snapshot of September’s highlights.

Town Hall Meeting

Wellington College China Founder and Chairman Joy Qiao ushered in the new academic year with our annual Town Hall. Ms Qiao extended a warm welcome to all the fresh and familiar faces on the team. This was an opportunity to talk about the group’s new motto, ‘Be You. Be More.’, and to share her vision for the year ahead. We also recognised many teachers and staff who have reached the five- or 10-year milestone in their Wellington tenure. Congratulations to you all and thank you for your commitment to making Wellington a school of excellence.

Induction Day & Start of School

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By the end of August, the excitement was already brewing. On Induction Day, we welcomed new parents and pupils to the main campus and the Early Years Centre for an orientation and the opportunity to meet their teachers. Then, on 1 September, the term began. The corridors and classrooms were once again packed with pupils full of energy and ready for this year’s learning journey.

House Icebreaker Games

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The race for the coveted House Cup began in earnest with a left-shoe relay. It was a competition of speed, dexterity, balance and stamina as pupils hopped on one leg to retrieve a missing left shoe, put it on and then sprint back to the starting line. Wellesley House clinched it, placing first in five out of seven heats. They are currently in the overall lead, but the year is young, and we have many more competitions to come. So, it is still anybody’s Cup!

Early Years Centre Family Picnic

At our Early Years Centre, pupils, parents and teachers kicked off the 2023-24 academic year with a family picnic. As part of our ongoing efforts to build strong parent-teacher partnerships, this was an opportunity to introduce new families to our community and for returning families to connect with each other.

FOW New Parent Breakfast

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Our parent and teacher organisation, Friends of Wellington (FOW), welcomed the newest members of the Wellington Family with a New Parent Breakfast. This was an opportunity for new parents to chat, connect and learn the many ways they can contribute to the College community and get involved. This was the first of many such meetups on our calendar this year, so if you missed this one, another opportunity is just around the corner.

Mid-Autumn Festival Activities

Mid-Autumn Festival wishes from all at Wellington

Finally, the month was punctuated with our Mid-Autumn celebrations. Traditional Chinese festivals like this are always a fun and enriching way to teach our pupils about the country’s rich history and fascinating culture. This year, our youngest pupils in the Early Years Centre had fun moulding mooncakes, creating moon-themed art, learning about shadow puppets and more. Meanwhile, on the main campus, our trademark rabbit and moon were on full display in the promenade. Pupils took part in handicraft workshops organised by the Sanlin community. They learned to play the ancient game of pitch-pot and tried their luck at drawing rabbits while wearing a blindfold. On the sports field, they competed in bunny hop races and orange relays. Our choir serenaded the school with Mid-Autumn songs and so much more.

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